Dear  friends,

Adolfo O. has come up with a number of quotes (a few way  out of historical 
context) from Marx, Lenin, Comintern Cong., etc. claiming to justify his 
maoist doctrine of the workers subordinating their struggles to the
 national capitalist interests.

But I don't think Lenin,when calling for the workers to "constitute itself
the nation" meant this is the Maoism-menshevik sense. Remember Lenin
and the bolsheviks dumped  the  concept of workers only taking power to 
pave the way for the "progressive" bourgeoisie in Russia to rule and instead 
changed their programme & went on to lead the working class to sieze power
with all other classes subordinate--the opposite of the maoist schema 
that Adolfo puts forward.
Marxists want the the dictatorship of the Proletariat/workers councils
Maoism favors the Dictatorship of the "progressive" National bourgeoisie.
This is the real meaning as with bourgeois social relations predominant,
the national bourgeoisie must foster/build them against the proletariat to 
maintain its own class position to accumulate capital --or it dies.
 And This no oppressor class will ever do voluntarily.

This issue of the "right of self determination" has always been a sticky
one in the communist and marxist movements.

1) Marx and Engels in their time supported some national bourgeois 
 movement  and trashed a number of others. Others, like Ireland, they 
seemed to have a love-hate/love hate position!
This seemed to based on whether the 
national struggles would pave the way for cleaning out the feudal-slave 
social relations and pave the way for the growth of  the working class
This was also PRIOR to when capitalist realtions  engulfed the world! 
2) True Lenin held a specific "Right to self determination" but  was
fought fircely over this for years in the bolshevik Party and also in
the ealrly Comintern. Lenin said it was a 'right' which need not
necessarily be exercised . He compared the 'right' to the Right to divorce
which all couples have but which only a minority of people actually use.
But on the batlle for Finland in 1918-19 , Lenin too switched his stand
and tried to get help to the minority finnish soviets against the 
Finnish national bourgeois-white guardist-intervention regime. But
German interventionists prevented the Red Army from turning the tables
on the Finnish independence.

 Things have changed a lot since Marx and Engels. Capitalist production
since WW1 has dominated the whole world. All capitalisms progressive role
for laying foundations for communist society are OVER! This was 
conformed by the WW1 itself and the modern imperialist capitalist age.

This recognition is why the Bolsheviks had to radically change their 
own programme on tactics and which class leads and rules in the April
thesis of 1917. Lenin recognized that it was now unnessasary forALL
states to mechanistically go through a bourgeois democratic revolution
before progressing to the proletarian communist revolution.
Lenin did however , it is true , still back  national"independence 
movements " because he thought this would weaken the imperialist
powers who  then in  1918-21, trying to squeeze the Russian revolution 
by the throat and kill it themselves.

But with  world capitalist hegemony and ongoing global rivalry between 
imperialist states large and small. Meaningful national liberation has today 
become all but impossible. In fact even Lenin wavered on this at times
supporting Rosa Luxembourgs position against tailing the national
bourgeois in Poland. Supporting workers revolt against the national 

Lenin had to fight a fierce almost pier 6 battle in The bolshevik Party
congresses to get them to support his views /tactics on supporting
national struggles . He was actually outvoted on this in 1918 but got the 
Party resolution overturned in 1919.
Similar polemical  battle was true in the early  Comintern where Lenin 
and his supporters squared off against M. Roy and Sultan Zadeh/Bukharin
 /Piatikov, etc. but even Lenin  then admitted:
" that with the aid of the proleatariat in the advanced countries,
backward countries can go over to the soviet system and, through
certain stages of developement , to communism, without having to 
pass through the capitalist stage"
"Report of commission on the National and Colonial Questions '
2nd Cong. Comm. International 7/26/20

But we have to look at the the practice of workers "subordinating"
their class interests to the national capitalists . It has been 
a disaster!

I can't say but maybe Zaynep T. may know more about the
Way the Comintern supported  nationalist Kemal Ataturk regime 
turned on the workers and slaughtered tens of thousands of its best 
militants in the mid twenties.
Then there was the slaugher of the workers in Shanghai,& Canton, China
in 1927 buy the Comintern supported/trained Chaing Kai-shek KMT 
national bourg. movement.

Then there was was Spain in the thirties, Indonesia in the 60s,
Chile in the early  70s, Argentina in 50s-60s etc. etc. et. al.

Under modern capitalist relations  worker movements/parites supporting
national bourgeois forces will only get the workers .
1) stepped up slave driving so the bourgeois can accumulate,get rich,
pay debts.
2) repression by cops/guards if they oppose/threaten  capitalist exploiters
3) conscription notices  to get slaughterd in bourgeois wars, proxy wars
direct inter- imperialist confrontations
4) Wiped out in surprise coups-de etats engineered by the workers
so-called progressive bourgeois  national patriot partners-usually 
with help from imperialist finance capital .

 Karl C. was right. We can all use "quotes" all year to
prove our points! But the track record speaks louder than quotations
from any "chairman".


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