> Date sent:      Thu, 11 Jul 1996 10:28:10 -0700 (PDT)
> Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From:           [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GC-Etchison, Michael)
> To:             Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:        [PEN-L:5108] Deductivism (WAS one last . . .)

>     Rahul Mahajan asks 7/11 why James Craven objects to libertarians' being 
> "deductivists":
> >All of science is done by taking the basic underpinnings (axioms, 
> equations of motion, etc.), deducing consequences of them, then 
> empirically testing those consequences. This is the only way to do it. 
> The eq.'s of motion themselves cannot be "directly" tested -- they can 
> only be tested by their results.
> >In what imaginable sense is this specific to libertarianism?
>     Libertarian economists (or libertarians considering economics) share 
> with their non-libertarian neoclassical colleagues a marked tendency to 
> regard only quantifiable things as worthy of attention.  They do not 
> pause to wonder whether the question "is economics a science"?  or "if 
> it's science, must it be done in numbers"?  or "if it's a science, must 
> it _all_ be done in numbers"?  or "if economics is not a 'science,' does 
> whatever it is require that everything be done in numbers"?  Mahajan's 
> query assumes that economics is not only a science, but the kind of 
> science which requires and permits only quantifiable things to matter.
>     Neoclassicals do it because it makes their theory tidy, and provides 
> ample opportunities to crunch numbers to generate publishable papers (too 
> much reading David Colander there).  Libertarians do it because once they 
> concede the importance of "institutions" (in the comprehensive sense 
> that, say, North uses the term), the atomistic libertarian game is up: 
> others must be taken into account because in an unquantifiable but 
> unavoidable sense, each of us includes the others.
> Michael Etchison
> [opinions mine, not the PUCT's] 
Right On IMHO. By the way, the title "Professor in 15th Century 
Germany meant "One who teaches otherwise". But I apologize if the 
title was offensive because as you note in your piece and as Dave 
Colander and others have written there is indeed a lot of ideological 
sycophancy, meaningless CV building, out-and-out whoring, number 
 and "prediction/conclusion" pimping, esoteric and meaningless 
"scientific" papers, autocracy in "permissible"--career and CV 
building--paradigms, backroom cabals and crony networking etc in 
academia--just like in other spheres of society. 

Institutions are simply assumed as "given" in the neoclassical and 
libertarian paradigms. Institutions are complexes/systems of values, 
power relations, traditions, symbols, laws, codes, regulations, 
taboos, etc that serve to structure, regulate, proscribe, sanction, 
punish, teach, reinforce, legitmate, propagandize, manipulate certain 
human interactions, forms of behavior, dominant ideologies, power 
relations, systems, material interests, etc. If institutions were 
seriously considered:

1) the notion of the atomistic and "human-nature-driven" Homo 
Economicus would be seriously trashed; each individual is unaffected 
by others;

2) all sorts of "squishy" concepts would have to be considered and 
incorporated into analysis and the blatantly metaphysical assertions 
and meaningless tautologies of neoclassical and libertarian paradigms 
would be exposed even more clearly;

3) the fundamental questions of by whom, for whom, in the service of 
whom, with what real consequences on whom etc do economic activities 
and relationships take place would have to be dealt with;

4) Institutions other than private property contract rights etc would 
have to be considered along with their real historical origins and 
real-world consequences;

5) the notions of linear and unidirectional causality in neoclassical 
economics and implicit in the libertarian paradigm would be seriously 
undermined and replaced by mutildimensional and multidirectional 
causality; in deed the whole notion of "ultimate independent 
variables" (GIVEN Wants/Needs, Tastes/Preferences, Technology, 
Resources, Human-Nature-Driven impulses would be seriously trashed. 
So as usual the libertarians and the neoclassicals simply refuse to 
discuss such matters and/or discuss caricatures of institutions and 
then make sure that young graduate students, young professors, 
bureaucrats etc tow the party line or not get published, promoted or 
finish their studies--academic fascism.

                                     Jim Craven
*  James Craven             * "All things have inner meaning and     *
*  Dept of Economics        *  form and power." (Hopi)               *
*  Clark College            *  "In this world the unseen has power." *
*  1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. *  (Apache)                              *
*  Vancouver, Wa. 98663     *  "Be satisfied with needs instead of   *
*  (360) 992-2283           *   wants." (Tenton Lakota)              *
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     *  "The Great Spirit is always angry     * 
*                           *  with men who shed innocent blood."    *
*                           *  (Iowa)                                *
*                           *  "It is no longer good enough to cry   *
*                           *  peace, we must act peace, live peace, *
*                           *  and live in peace."(Shenandoah)       *
*                           *  "A people without a history is like   *
*                              the wind over buffalo grass."(Lakota) *
*                                                                    *
* "There are many paths to a meaningful sense of the natural world." *
* (Blackfeet);  "A shady lane breeds mud." (Hopi);                   * 
* "Strive to be a person who is never absent from an important act." * 
* (Osage);  "Men in search of a myth will usually find one."(Pueblo) * 
* "Life is not separate from death. It only looks that way."         * 
*  (Blackfeet); "Some are smart but they are not wise."(Shoshone);   *
*  "The one who tells the stories rules the world." (Hopi);          *
* "Force, no matter how concealed, begets resistance." (Lakota);     *
* "The only things that need the protection of men are the things of *
*  men, not the things of the spirit." (Crow);  "When the legends    *
*  die, the dreams end; there is no more greatness."( Shawnee );     *
*  "I love a people who do not live for the love of money."(Dwamish) *
*  "Stolen food never satisfies hunger." (Omaha); "Man's law changes *
*  with his understanding of man. Only the laws of the spirit always *
*  remain the same." (Crow); "It takes a whole village to raise a    *
*  child." (Omaha); "Everything the Power does, it does in a circle."*
*  (Lakota); "Man has responsibility, not power."(Tuscarora)         *
*  "With all things and in all things, we are relatives." (Lakota)   *

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