On Sat, 15 Jun 1996, Doug Henwood wrote:

> I frequently get asked by LBO subscribers what books I'd recommend they
> read as intros to basic economics that were also politically congenial.
> I've never come up with a satisfactory answer to the question. Any
> suggestions?


        You probably know most of these but I'll add my two bits to the "list":
1) First I would at least go with a David Colander "Economics" or a 
Bowles and Edwards "Understanding Capitalism" as intro texts rather than 
Blinder or Stiglitz though for certain mainstream topics I guess those are 

        Ridell, Stamos, and Shackeoford  "Economics" might be good for a 

        I really like David Schweickart's "Against Capital"  though he does have 
market socialism bias.  Also Roemer's "Free to Lose" is great though it 
has a "analytical Marxist" bias.  

Other radical intro texts are Hunt and Sherman and David Fusfeld 
(unfortunately going out of print) . 
Am waiting to here other's suggestions including your own!  

In Pen-l solidarity,

Ron Baiman
Dept. Of Econ.
Roosevelt Univ., Chicago

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