In its last stage of monopoly capitalism, the whole motive of production 
has become the making of the maximum capitalsit profit.  The state is run 
and the government policies formulated and carried out so as to ensure 
the greatest profitability for the capitalsit class.  The call of John 
Major for the "success of business" is a call for policies facilitating 
this maximum capitalist profit.  

But the mechanism of capitalist prodcution itself, as the theory of 
surplus value shows, ensures that the pushing of profits to the highest 
level is at the same time a pushing of wages and living conditions to the 
lowest level, an intensification of the exploitation of the working 
people, a mechanism for the ruin of society.

The anarchy based on the private ownership of the means of production 
leads to the rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer, to 
unemployment and all the other features of the crisis.  The private 
ownership of the means of production and the virtually absolute rule by 
the executive is the basis of the economic and political crisis.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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