Do you have ideas and energy that can help Pennsylvania find a future that
works for all of us?  Then the Keystone Research Center invites you to

Is There a Better Way?

The Future of Work, Education, and Community in Pennsylvania

September 6-8, 1996

Holiday Inn/Lancaster Host Hotel
Lancaster, PA

The wages of a majority of American workers have stagnated or declined.  Many
with good jobs no longer feel secure.  Cut-throat competition has spread
low-wage strategies that deliver neither good jobs nor high productivity
growth.  Americans have begun to fear the future rather than welcome it.
 Does it have to be this way?  Or is there a better way?

The conference will ask that question.  It will challenge you to start
answering it.  Because if you don't,  who will?

Featured Speakers
YOU and other attendees are the most critical featured speakers.

Norman Hill is the President of the A. Philip Randolph Institute in
Washington, D.C.

Larry Mishel is Research Director for the nation's top progressive think
tank, the Economic Policy Institute in Washington, D.C..

Karen Nussbaum holds the new position of Director of the Working Women's
Department at the AFL-CIO.

Joel Rogers, a professor at the University of Madison, Wisconsin, has been a
moving force behind the creation of a group of progressive research, policy
and activist organizations in Wisconsin.

Harley Shaiken, a UC-Berkeley professor, was a leading intellectual
opponent of the North American Free Trade Agreement.  He is an authority on
technology, work organization, and the global economy.

Andy Stern became President of the Service Employees International Union in

About The Conference
The aims of the Conference are:

* To have fun

* To put forward and debate ideas that reinforce the faith of participants
that recent economic and labor market trends are not irreversible but
political problems amenable to political solutions.

* To seed on-going study groups among networks of activists and researchers on
critical issues.

* To strengthen the foundation for future research and coalition building
among Pennsylvania progressives.

* To launch or strengthen some campaigns on specific issues within

Who Should Attend
* Community organizers and leaders

* Members of women's and minority organizations

* Union activists, leaders, and organizers

* The religious community

* Progressive researchers and academics

* And others concerned with social justice

Keystone Research Center
The Keystone Research Center is a research and policy institute in
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania established in 1995 through the collaborative
efforts of Pennsylvania academics, labor  leaders, and other prominent groups
and citizens.  The Center aims to encourage scholarship that broadens the
public debate about strategies to achieve a more prosperous and equitable
Pennsylvania economy.  KRC's research will document the economic and social
situation as it stands and put forward innovative approaches to improving the
economy, labor market, and quality of life in Pennsylvania.

In addition to the program, the Host has a 27 hole golf course, four indoor
and six outdoor tennis courts, miniature golf, basketball, volleyball,
bicycle rentals, a 1.9 mile jogging trail and an indoor and outdoor pool.
 "Kid's World" provides a children's activity program for a nominal fee.

The agenda may look crowded.  But look closely.  There are lots of chances
for people to talk among themselves and get to know each other.

8:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. - Registration

10:30 - 12:00 - Idea Exchange  - Researchers and activists present their
thoughts.  (See explanation below)

12:00 - 1:45 p.m. - Lunch and Speaker:  "The State of Working America,"
 Larry Mishel; "The State of Working Pennsylvania,"  Stephen Herzenberg,
Keystone Research Center

2:00 - 3:45 p.m. - Plenary Session: "Rebuilding a Progressive Coalition",
Welcome, Bill George, President, Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; Panel: Andy Stern,
Joel Rogers, Norman Hill

4:00.-5:30 p.m. - Concurrent Workshops 1
* A New Unionism for the New Economy
* A High Road Employment, Training and Economic Development Policy
* Minimum and Living Wage Campaigns
* Workers' Compensation
* Trucking:  Good Jobs or Bad Jobs?

6:00-7:30 p.m. - Dinner

7:30 - 9:00 p.m. - Plenary Session - "Global Economy, Service Economy",
Panel:  Karen Nussbaum; Harley Shaiken

9:00 p.m. - Music to Make the World a Better Place: Joe Uehlein, Master of

9:00 - 10:30 a.m. -  Concurrent Workshops 2
* Working from the Margins: Voices of Mothers in Poverty
* School-to-Career Programs
* Beyond Unloving Care in Nursing Homes
* Central Labor Councils:  A Vehicle for Labor Market Transformation?
* Health Care Restructuring, the Quality of Care and the Quality of Jobs
* The Construction Industry: 19th or 21st Century Competition

10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Coffee Talk:  Digest What You've Heard

12:00 - 1:15 p.m. - Lunch

1:15- 2:45 p.m. - Plenary Session:  Welcome - Carolyn Dumaresq, Executive
Director, PSEA (Panel to be announced)

3:00 - 4:30 p.m. - Concurrent Workshops 3
* Can Parents, Teachers and their Unions Unite Behind Education Reform?
* Minorities and the Labor Market in Pennsylvania
* Beyond Low Pay in Office Work
* Toward a Worthy Wage and Better Quality in Child Care Work
* Community-based Career Ladders

4:30-6:30 p.m. - Disorganized Sports or Free Time

6:30-8:30 p.m. - Barbecue Dinner

8:30 p.m.-  Irish Coffee Talk (BYOW/Cash Bar) & Wash Down What You've Heard

9:00-10:30 p.m. - Idea Exchange Revisited.  Forging Small Networks for the

11:00- 12:30 p.m. - Plenary Session:  Taking Inventory of Ideas from
Workshops and the Idea Exchange.

Idea Exchange:
Do you have an idea or paper you want to share?  Set up a desk or easel
display at the Idea Exchange.  Participants will walk the floor, stopping to
read, pick up materials, and chat.   The deadline for submission of
applications is August 9, 1996.  To get an application form, call KRC at

A block of rooms has been reserved until August 6 at the Lancaster Host
Hotel, Lancaster, PA.  When making your room reservation, identify yourself
with the "Is There a Better Way?" conference in order to receive the $89.00
per room rate.  Reservations are made by calling the Hotel at (800)233-0121
or (717)299-5500.  Reservations received after August 6 will be accepted on a
space available basis.

Is There a Better Way?
September 6-8, 1996

Name __________________________________________________
Business/Organization _____________________________________
Address ________________________________________________
State/Zip Code ___________________________________________
Telephone Number ________________________________________
The $200.00 fee covers: materials, 2 lunches, 2 dinners, 1 breakfast and
breaks.  Deadline for regular registration is August 23, 1996.

Please reserve _____ space(s) at $200.00. Make checks or money order payable
to Keystone Research Center and mail to:  KRC, 412 North Third Street,
Harrisburg, Pa  17101.  For questions, phone (717)255-7181, fax
(717)255-7132, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  A limited number of scholarships
are available for those who really need them.

Refunds:  Please notify in writing by August 31 to qualify for a refund.
 Refunds will not be granted for no showsí or late cancellations.

Persons requiring an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodations to
participate,  call Keystone Research Center (717/255-7181).

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