One of the many joys of being a Business Week subscriber--aside from
reading some very sharp reporters--is that I get to watch the race between
Gary Becker and Craig Roberts to see who can come up with the most
amazingly idiotic statements (Craig is currently ahead by 5).  I just
started reading Newsweek. Craig and Gary, look out!

Here's the first paragraph of Sameulson's latest screed, entitled, "Why
American Creates Jobs":

"Henry Stimson, the U.S. Secretary of War in World War II, once observed
that a capitalist country going to war had 'better let business make money
out of the process or business won't work.'  America followed that advice
and won the war.  Stimon's insight still applies in its peacetime version:
modern capitalism won't work if markets aren't left fairly free.  America
abides by that axiom and, as a result, is a powerful job machine.  Europe
doesn't--and is a puny job machine.  The mystery is that so many economists
[ie., you folks] can't understand this."

Let's put aside for a moment the issue of jobs vs. wages.  Either Robby is
saying that during WWII the U.S. economy was left "fairly free" or he's
implying that because the U.S. govt stacked the deck so U.S. businesses
made out like bandits during WWII we should have an unfettered market
today. All I can say is, if somebody with a PhD knows so little about U.S.
history--or has so much trouble with logic--then we really do have a
literacy problem in this country.

I have great respect for any liberal/leftie economist who can manage to
stay sane within a discipline in which folks like Becker and Samuelson are
not considered candidates for a mental institution.

In Virtual Solidarity,
Anders Schneiderman

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