At 8:58 PM 7/23/96, R. Anders Schneiderman wrote:

>I think Nader's position is appalling, and I find it hard to understand how
>anyone can argue that voting for him is any better than voting for Clinton.
>When Clinton does things that make my stomach turn, it's usually because
>he's protecting his butt.  Nader doesn't have that excuse; he has no power
>to protect.  The only reason Nader didn't take a stand on this issue is
>because he's another White Boy on the Left who doesn't take racism

I can't speak for Nader; his refusal to talk about "gonadal politics," as
he calls it, is also unfortunate. But I do think it's a bit of a leap to
conclude that Nader is "another White Boy on the Left who doesn't take
racism seriously." You could also argue that affirmative action is entirely
in accordance with ruling class strategy - as Marx said, the better a
ruling class is able to absorb the natural leaders of the oppressed
classes, "the more solid and dangerous its rule." Would making that
argument be a sign that one "doesn't take racism seriously"? Anders, like
his comrade Nathan, seems very quick to accuse others of various failings,
even as they're composing an apology for Bill Clinton.

This "Clinton is protecting his butt" argument is one of the most ancient
apologies for lesser evilism. Clinton was one of the prime movers in
pushing the Democratic Party rightward. Was he "protecting his butt" when
he helped found, and later lead, the DLC? How about when he was enforcing
right to work laws in Arkansas? When he was signing Rickey Ray Rector's
death warrant? The man has a history; he's not some good-hearted liberal
forced rightwards by circumstance. Insofar as he believes in anything at
all (aside from his re-election) he is a classic neoliberal yuppie



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
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