>From Arghiri Emmanuel's "Myths of Development versus Myths of
Underdevelopment" in the New Left Review, 1974, Vol. 85, which is a reply
to Bill Warren's article "Imperialism and Capitalist Industrialization"
that had appeared 4 issues earlier. The chart is meant to illustrate the
point that "What development presupposes is not industrialization but,
first and foremost, an increase of productivity in agriculture such that
those who remain in agriculture can feed those who leave it."

***Average Production in 'Direct Calories' Per Annum Per Male Employed

                                1960-4          1810            1840
All underdeveloped countries    5.2
Of which
Africa                          4.9
Latin America                   13.0
Latin America less Argentina    9.1
Asia                            4.6
France                          60.0            7.0
USA                             180.0                           21.5
UK                                              14.0
Germany                                                 7.5
Belgium                                                         10.0

(Emmanuel's numbers are based on P. Bairoch's "Diagnostic de l'Evolution
Economique du Tiers-Monde", Paris 1970)

Louis Proyect

(The Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org)

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