I would be interested in seeing the answers to Patrick's questions so replies
on-list would be appreciated!

Patrick - Eugene Coyle's recent paper on the electricity industry (which
actually has wider implications) is well worth a look.

Re Stiglitz, I have a PDF copy of his paper, "Whither Reform? Ten years of the
transition" prepared for the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics,
Washington, D.C., April
28-30, 1999, which covers privatisation amongst other things. Not Washington
Consensus stuff, and some telling points, but still very market-oriented.
Similarly I have an electronic copy of his "The World Bank at the Millennium"
(Economic J, Nov 99), from which this quote:

"While the development strategies of the last twenty years have focused on
market-based reforms, they have often failed to establish the institutional
infrastructure required to make markets work. Economic theory emphasized that to
make markets work, both the competition and the incentives provided by private
property are necessary. The emphasis on one over the other was not based on any
body of theory or evidence. The contrast between the experiences of China and
Russia has raised questions about the reform strategy emphasizing privatization
over competition: China focused on competition, and saw its per capita GDP
increase almost eight-fold in two dec-ades; Russia ignored competition policy,
and, even after privatizations and other reforms that were supposed to improve
efficiency, saw its output decline markedly. Moreover, privatizations in many
countries that did not accompany those changes with effective regulatory and
competition policies showed that while private monopolies could more efficiently
exploit consumers than could the pub-lic monopolies they were replacing,
privatization did not necessarily lead to either lower prices or much greater
market access."

Many of his articles are still at the World Bank site under 
but it is no longer in their index as far as I can see and presumably won't last
there for long!

A look at http://www.psiru.org/ or http://www.btinternet.com/~ipspr/index.htm
(Public Services International Research Unit) is probably worthwhile.


Patrick Bond wrote:
> Hi comrades, who has the very latest material against privatisation?
> Has anyone read the Stiglitz distinction between Russia and China
> enterprise restructuring? Has anyone been delving into related ESOP
> literature recently?
> This is real for South Africans, now debating this... so please let
> me know offlist if you can help out!
> Yours,
> Patrick
> Patrick Bond
> email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] * phone:  2711-614-8088
> home:  51 Somerset Road, Kensington 2094 South Africa
> work:  University of the Witwatersrand
> Graduate School of Public and Development Management
> PO Box 601, Wits 2050, South Africa
> phone:  2711-488-5917 * fax:  2711-484-2729

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