Association for Union Democracy National Conference

April 7, 8, 9, 2000 New York City

Contact: 718-855-6650  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   * The battle to preserve members'rights in a period of consolidation
   * Using union democracy to organize new workers
   * Government imposed trusteeships: Are they a legitimate way to fight
   * New York Public Employees Unions
   * Construction: how to preserve democracy in large regional councils
   * Construction: Project Labor Agreements - the pro's and con's
   * Coalitions: How should labor's coalition partners deal with democracy
   * Teamsters today: reform or retrenchments?
   * Union Democracy law: progress and setbacks
   * What is Union Democracy: Roundtable discussion
   * Pioneers and the Next Wave: two generations of rank and file women
   * Workshops: Caucus building; running for office; newletters/leaflets;
legal rights
   * More workshops: grievance procedures; participating in union meetings

Detailed Program

Friday, April 7 (free of charge)6:00-9:00 Wagner Labor Archives, 10th fl.
Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square So.
"Falling Bodies & Rising Tides" success stories from the front lines
Renee Bost, Postal Workers NY Metro,
Tim Brown, Masters Mates Pilots,
Lucinda Lewis, Musicians/ICSOM
Elinor Levine, Coaltion of University Employees, California
Larry O'Toole, Marine Engineers Benevloent Assoication
Tim Schermerhorn, TWU/New Directions,
Brian Keelan, NALC Branch 294.

Saturday, April 8
Fashion Institute of Technology
27th Street and 7th Ave.

8:30-9:30 Registration

Opening Plenary: Union Democracy in a Changing Labor Movement
Herman Benson, Brenda Berkman, Ken Paff, Mike Orrfelt, and Barbara Harvey
will discuss these issues: union democracy rhetoric vs. reality; corruption
and government intervention; consolidation in the construction industry;
organizing, the role of coalitions in a rebuilt labor movement;

Panel/Discussions I
Consolidation in the Construction Industry:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of large regional councils in the
construction industry? How can democracy be retained during a period of
centralization? A look at the strategies and programs reformers are using
to retain membership control against a trend that is being copied by other
sectors of the labor movement.
With: Charles Delgado, IBEW; Lisa Narducci, Carpenter; Mike Orrfelt, Hard
Hat Magazine; Leon Rosenblatt, Attorney.

Organize or Die (Trying):
Organize, organize! Everyone agrees labor must do it to survive, but how?
Must it be autocratic and militaristic? In many campaigns union democracy
rhetoric is relied upon to counter the employer's claim that the union is a
third party. What is the proper balance between leadership, structure, and
democracy in an organizing campaign? A roundtable discussion with: Matt
Ginsburg, SEIU; Elinor Levine, CUE; Larry Lipschultz, HPAE; Selma Marks,
former IBT organizer.

Government Trusteeships and Corruption:
After 20 years of court-ordered monitorships under the RICO Act, are
government-imposed trusteeships still a legitimate weapon against
corruption? This panel will compare the successes and failures of
trusteeships in the Teamsters, Laborers, Hotel Workers, and in locals and
district councils in the Carpenters, Bricklayers and others.  With: Ed
Stier, Atty.; Paul Levy, Public Citizen; Henry Murray, LIUNA.

New York Unions: Contract 2000 and Beyond
In the past two years, members of many municipal unions rose up, exposing
corruption and joined New Directions in the Transport Workers Union in
putting forth agendas for reform and militant resistance to privatization,
concessions, and workfare. Several years before, New York state workers in
Public Employees Federation led a similar upheaval. New York activists will
discuss these reform movements, with an eye towards coming battles. With:
Naomi Allen, TWU/ND; Roger Benson, PEF; Pat Ellis, CSEA; Bob Fitch,
journalist; Gary Goff, DC37;  Larry Hanley, ATU.

Panel/Discussions II

Project Labor Agreements & Other Problems: This session will continue the
discussion initiated in the earlier session with special emphasis on the
problems and opportunities posed by Project Labor Agreements and similar
agreements between international unions and big employers.
With Charles Delgado, IBEW; Ron Nobili, LIUNA; Leon Rosenblatt, Attorney.

Coalitions and Reform:
Everywhere, unions are forming alliances -- with academics, students, the
clergy, and community, but a condition of the alliance is "no interference
in internal union affairs." What approach should labor's coalition partners
take towards internal union democracy struggles, towards union corruption?
With: Arin Dube, Harvard student labor activist; Michael Letwin, ALAA/UAW;
Tony Ramirez, AUD; Emily LaBarbera-Twarog, Campaign for Labor Rights; and

The Teamsters Today-Reform or Retrenchment:
Hoffa says he'll deliver a cleaner, stronger union. Is he for real? Or is
he just trying to get the government out? Is it time to get the government
out? What's life like in the Teamsters, under Hoffa?
With: Ken Paff, national organizer TDU; Ed Stier, author of the new IBT
Ethics Code; and Arthur Fox, AUD.

"Danger! Lawyers at Work!"
The top union democracy attorneys in the country will discuss developments
and ongoing challenges in union democracy law: the recent ruling requiring
unions to inform members of their rights under the LMRDA; meeting
attendance rules; trusteeships; and prohibitions on outside funding for
reform groups.
With: Arthur Fox, Michael Goldberg, Barbara Harvey, Susan Jennik, Louie
Nikolaidis, Andrew Rotstein, Arthur Schwartz, Clyde Summers, and more.

Roundtable: What is Union Democracy?
Join us for a moderated discussion of the bigger issues and knotty problems
of union democracy. With:
Larry Adams, president, NPMHU Local 300
Carl Biers, executive director, AUD
Martha Gruelle, Labor Notes editor and author of Democracy is Power.
Staughton Lynd, Workers Solidarity Club, labor attorney, and author of the
forthcoming The New Rank and File.
Moderator: Bill Kornblum, Professor of Sociology, CUNY Graduate Center.

Saturday Evening, 6:00-9:00 at FIT
Dinner & Fundraiser in Honor of Clyde Summers
Join us as we honor and celebrate the work and life of Clyde W. Summers,
AUD board member, the leading authority on union democracy law, architect
of the LMRDA, and teacher to a generation of labor lawyers.

Sunday, April 9
9:30-10:00      Registration

Pioneers and the Next Wave
A conversation between two generations of rank and file activist women
about affirmative action, union  democracy, and the hard work of equality
and power. With: Susan Eisenberg, IBEW; Cynthia Long, IBEW; Yvone Maitin,
IUOE; Lois Ross, United Tradeswomen;  Erin Small, CWA; Regina Wilson, UFA.

Workshops: Tools & Strategies for Building Power on the Job and In the Union
All workshops will be hands on and taught by experienced rank and file
activists and educators.

Building Your Group, Member to Member

Organizing for Equality and Inclusion

Getting Your Message Out and Your Coworkers In: Newsletters, Leaflets, and
the Web

Rights and Resources for the Rank & File

Running for Union Office

Making the Grievance Procedure Work for the Members

Participating in Union Meetings: When the Officers Think They Own the Union

Making Meetings Democratic: When you Run the Union.

Staying Democratic After You Win

The Association for Union Democracy is a national non-profit organization
which promotes union democracy for a strong labor movement. AUD helps union
members defend their rights within the union by providing legal referrals,
education and organizing support.

Registration Form
(copy and return to AUD)

o Conference & Dinner ($80)
o Saturday Conference Sessions only ($40)
o Sunday Conference Sessions only ($20)
o Clyde Summers Dinner only ($75)

Name:  ____________________________

Address:  __________________________________________________________

E-mail: ______________________

Phone: ______________________

Make Checks payable to
The Association for Union Democracy, 500 State Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217

Credit Card: __ __ __ __/__ __ __ __/__ __ __ __/__ __ __ __

  o Visa o Mastercard

Expiration ___/___

Billing Name and Address:

For more information call AUD at
718-855-6650; [EMAIL PROTECTED];; Fax: 718-855-6799

Association for Union Democracy
500 State Street
Brooklyn NY 11217
phone: 718 855-6650
fax: 718 855-6799

The Association for Union Democracy is a national pro-union non-profit that
promotes the principles and practices of internal union democracy in the
North American labor movement.
                        Union Democracy for a Strong Labor Movement

Michael H. Belzer, Ph.D.
Moderator, Industrial Relations Research Association Discussion list

University of Michigan
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations
1111 E. Catherine Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2054

voice: (734) 647-9474
fax: (734) 763-0913

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