NY Times: March 26, 2000

Many Companies Are Forced to Dip Deeper Into Labor Pool


     K ANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Unable to find enough workers in the booming
     economy, American corporations are trying to expand the labor pool.
     Until recently, employers had met their labor needs by hiring
     people who were already employed or at least wanted to work. But as
     this pool shrinks, they are increasingly recruiting from among the
     36 million working-age people in the United States who had not
     sought a job, or even thought about taking one.
      The gender gap, the difference between a candidate's votes from men
          and his votes from women, in presidential elections since 1980.
                                                       The New York Times
           Percentages may not add up to 100 because of other candidates.
       Based on exit polls conducted by Voter News Service in 1996, Voter
      Research and Surveys in 1992 and The New York Times and CBS News in
                                                     1980, 1984 and 1988.
     Conrad Bell is one of these new workers. Mr. Bell, a college
     junior, did not need a job. Living at home, he had enough pocket
     money, and the first payments on his school loans were still in the
     future. But when a notice went up on a school bulletin board that H
     & R Block was hiring students skilled in computers to trouble-shoot
     problems called in from Block offices around the country, Mr. Bell
     applied and got one of the jobs. "Most of my friends now work," he
     The company has gone out of its way to accommodate the 23-year-old
     student, juggling schedules so that he can carry four courses at
     the DeVry Institute of Technology and still work 25 hours a week.
     Between semesters, he worked on Tuesdays, then switched to Mondays
     to attend Tuesday classes. Nearly 200 other students hired for the
     tax season get similar flexible treatment at Block's new technical
     center here.
     In addition to students like Mr. Bell, companies are stepping up
     recruiting of the urban poor, retirees, housewives, men and women
     mustering out of military service, the handicapped, women coming
     off welfare and illegal immigrants not already counted in the labor
     force. People with jobs are being recruited to moonlight in second
     jobs, and part-timers are adding hours more easily than in the
     past. To get workers, some companies even relocate to pockets of
     relatively high unemployment.
     The recruiting poster and the promise of flexible hours were what
     landed Mr. Bell despite his mother's resistance. "She does not want
     me to work while I'm in school," he said. Aside from flexible
     hours, companies are offering subsidized transportation, child
     care, store discounts, free meals, family outings, tuition
     subsidies, and, in one case here, an $80,000 softball field --
     everything, in sum, but significantly higher pay.
     "We really are in uncharted territory," said Lawrence Katz, a
     Harvard University labor economist. "The last time we had such
     tight labor markets, in the 1960's, the baby boomers were beginning
     to take jobs, and they fed the labor pool. We don't have them
     today, and we really don't know how many people we can draw."
     The economy may ride, or fall, on the the answer.
     Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve, argues that the
     pool of people still available to take jobs has dwindled to the
     point that employers will have to pay more in wages to compete for
     workers and then will push up prices to cover the higher labor
     costs. Citing this inflationary danger as one reason for their
     actions, the Fed's policy makers have moved interest rates up a
     quarter percentage point five times since last June to slow the
     economy, with the latest increase coming last Tuesday.
     But Mr. Greenspan's estimate of the number of people still
     available for jobs relies on the Labor Department's monthly
     employment surveys, which do not count as available the people who
     say they are not interested in working. Many of these people are
     now being recruited, including Mr. Bell, who was busy being a
     student until he saw the H & R Block poster and popped into the
     labor force. In addition, the Fed chairman's concerns about
     inflationary labor shortages do not reflect the extent to which
     workers are settling for intangible benefits, rather than higher
     Certainly inflationary wage increases are not evident in national
     wage statistics or in the Kansas City metropolitan area, where the
     unemployment rate of 3.2 percent is nearly a percentage point less
     than the nation's 4.1 percent and employers are offering all the
     new lures, short of big raises.
     That is especially the case at Block's recently opened technology
     center. A quarter of the 800 people working there in the tax season
     are students like Mr. Bell, who is earning $11.54 an hour, barely
     up from last year's rate. Another 200 are low-skilled customer
     call-center operators, some of whom commute by municipal bus from
     an impoverished neighborhood nearby. H & R Block has put the new
     center, and its jobs, near enough for the operators to get to a
     job, one that pays $8 to $9 an hour, good pay in their world.
     "We have not been pressured to raise wages because of the labor
     shortage," said Frank L. Salizzoni, the company's chief executive.
     Even some officials in the Clinton administration, despite its
     hands-off policy vis-à-vis the Federal Reserve, are challenging the
     Fed's view that an inflationary labor shortage is developing.
     Martin Bailey, chairman of the president's Council of Economic
     Advisers, said, "We don't see wage pressure coming from the labor
     market at this time." More bluntly, the labor secretary, Alexis M.
     Herman, declared in a recent interview: "I tell everybody Alan
     Greenspan is a wise man, and I don't comment on Fed policy. But
     this is a balanced economy that can continue to perform at a very
     solid and steady pace."
     Part of the difference lies in how the experts tally the number of
     available workers. Ms. Herman counts at least 13 million people
     across the nation available for jobs, including 3 million part-time
     workers who have told surveyors from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
     that they would take more hours if they could get them.
     Mr. Greenspan's more conservative estimate of 10 million people
     available for jobs leaves out the part-timers. He focuses on the
     nearly six million people who are listed as officially unemployed
     because they are actively looking for work, as well as four million
     others who tell the bureau's surveyors that they have not looked
     for work lately but would like a job or might like one in the right
     Mr. Greenspan's estimate of 10 million would-be workers has
     declined from 13 million in January 1996. But both his estimate and
     Ms. Herman's miss those who are not thinking about working but can
     be lured into jobs.
     The great majority of them are the 36.3 million civilians between
     16 and 64 who are busy in other activities and see themselves as
     not available for work, unless, like Mr. Bell, a company's lures
     change their minds.
     In Kansas City's poorest neighborhoods, the statistics miss
     hundreds of families "who don't respond to surveyors or answer the
     door or any of that stuff, but want jobs," said Clyde McQueen,
     president of the Full Employment Council.
     The council is a publicly subsidized organization that tries to get
     people in poor neighborhoods into jobs, mainly by training them and
     then paying for transportation, including bus fare to H & R Block's
     new center and similar job sites. "The first thing people here want
     to know," Mr. McQueen said, "is what is the shift time, does the
     bus get there and what happens if I have an emergency at home."
     Nowhere in Kansas City is the sweep for new workers more on display
     than at Station Casinos, a gaudy, Las Vegas-style hotel and casino
     complex that is the biggest of the four casinos along the Missouri
     The casinos opened in 1997, and almost overnight 5,000 new jobs
     appeared in greater Kansas City, a considerable impact on a work
     force that then numbered 916,000 and now numbers more than 965,000.
     The casinos initially bid up wages, offering low-skilled workers
     $7.50 to $9 an hour. That drained people from other employers,
     including customer call- center operators at Sprint, then earning
     less than $7 an hour.
     "We lost a lot of folks to the casino boats," said Mary M. Hogan,
     manager of Sprint's call center in suburban Lenexa, Kan., "but it
     is not an issue now."
     Sprint has raised its starting pay to $8.25 an hour. It has also
     eased the wage pressure by employing more college students and
     offering them nonwage benefits like flexible part-time schedules
     and tuition subsidies of $5,250 a year if they stay at least that
     long. Station Casinos, employing 2,120 people, has also
     soft-pedaled wage increases.
     "More and more we compete on the whole package," said John V.
     Finamore, president of the casino.
     Apart from health insurance, that package includes a child care
     center, 10 percent discounts at local merchants, free meals once a
     month served by executives, gifts at Christmas, a talent show for
     employees and their families and, most recently, the softball
     "These are soft labor costs that are much more easily absorbed than
     fixed wage increases and can be shed more easily," Mr. Finamore
     To find workers, Station Casinos uses specialized employment
     agencies that recruit immigrants from Latin America, Africa,
     Russia, Vietnam, Cambodia and elsewhere. Ninety employees came out
     of retirement and 270 others work at the casino as a second job,
     often as weekend blackjack dealers earning $15 an hour, most of it
     in tips.
     For a while, the casino's vans brought people from poor
     neighborhoods to work in the hotel, but now a municipal bus --
     known as the Casino Cruiser -- makes the run every half-hour.
     "You cannot compete on wages," Mr. Finamore said. "All you do is
     raise the bar across the city."
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