Some of you have already known this before. I am posting it since I have
not heard from ASA yet about the appropriate action taken against
Rushton's publisher, so you can still join the struggle to protest this
book. Three months ago Transaction sent an abridged version of
Rushton's book _ Race, Evolution and Behavior_  to all ASA members
without the authorization of ASA. Thus, the book was sent to scholars
nation wide. I am attaching a copy of the statement  protesting
Transaction publishers and Rushton. You can also see wsn archives for

Just as I was deleting my messages, I thought  this group might be
interested  in the specifics of this relatively recent event. You can
still protest it by sending your comments to necessary places. ASA
meeting will take place  in August 2000, so there is still sometime to
protest this Nazi academic.



I had a reaction similar to that of Alan Spector.  I posted the
message below on PSN and the Association of Black Sociologists list.

Steve Rosenthal
------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Priority:      normal
Date:          Tue, 7 Dec 1999 21:51:22 +0000
Reply-to:      Association of Black Sociologists
From:          Steve Rosenthal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:       (Fwd) Rushton booklet sent to scholars nationwide
To:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Transaction Publishers (Somerset, NJ) obtained the mailing lists of
the ASA, the APA, and other professional societies and sent out
thousands of free copies of a special abridged edition of J. Philippe
Rushton's "Race, Evolution, and Behavior."  This information comes
from a letter sent out to ASA section officers from Felice Levine,
executive officer of the ASA.  Here is the letter:
Dear ASA Members:

I learned at the end of last week that Transaction Publishers have used
mailing list rented from the American Sociological Association to send
ASA members an abridged version of the book, Race, Evolution and
by J. Philippe Rushton. ASA processed a mailing list rental request from

Transaction Publishers for mailing a promotional flyer. Such requests
mailing list rentals are processed routinely from well known publishers
scholarly products. ASA did not authorize rental of its mailing list to
distribute this book and has written a letter to the President of
Transaction expressing grave concerns with this unauthorized use.

Apparently a large number of members of the American Psychological
Association (APA) also received this book distributed on APA mailing
Other societies too may have been used by Transaction to facilitate this

distribution. As we learn more, I will keep you informed.


Felice J. Levine
Executive Officer
American Sociological Association
Several ABS members have posted messages reporting that they received
this ugly hate mail.  I also received a copy.  Members of other
sociology lists have also posted messages about receiving the book.

This is not an ordinary event.  When was the last time a publisher
sent out tens of thousands of free copies of a special edition of a
monograph?  And in a unmarked envelope with no return address?

Rushton is part of the Pioneer Fund financed group of Nazi academics
whose lies were extensively cited by Murray and Herrnstein in "The
Bell Curve."  Most of the statements of "acclaim" for the book come
from other Pioneer Fund financed fascists.  (Bob Newby and I and
others published articles on this subject several years ago in a
special issue of "The American Behavioral Scientist" that Bob

We should develop some organized responses to this vile mass mailing.
For one thing, we should demand that Transaction Publishers reveal
who gave them the money to distribute this book.  We should further
insist that Transaction Publishers be denied permission to set up a
booth at any academic conferences.  If the ASA and other associations
do not bar them, we should picket and leaflet demanding their
removal.  Any publisher that would distribute such racist garbage has
surely forfeited its right to peddle its books at our meetings.

Felice Levine's response is grossly inadequate.  We should demand
that the ASA take much stronger action.  Any other suggestions?

I'm going to forward this to ASA President Joe Feagin.

Steve Rosenthal


Mine Aysen Doyran
PhD Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 12222

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