>Blair wrote,
>> . . . I'm overwhelmed with work and haven't time . . .
>I apologize for suggesting that Blair should discuss the various issues
>I've raised when he clearly is pressured by job market concerns.
>As thoughtless as I've been along the lines above, I  DON'T think
>I've been merely,
>> . . . trying to win points in some perceived battle . . .
>The questions I've asked are fundamental and not nit-picking just
>to score points. The questions I've raised (e.g., "why desire
>socialism in the W/R world?") go to the heart of key issues.
>In deference to the wishes of Blair--and as no one else is contributing
>to this thread--, I won't respond to any of the other parts of his last
>But I can't help myself:
>Q: How many Wolfnicks does it take to change a light bulb?
>A: That's an essentialist question: let me tell you about
>overdetermination and how changing lightbulbs, in my
>theory, is no more important than dancing in the streets
>or  . . .     ;-)

I always appreciate a good joke, Eric,... or even a bad one.  :)

Thanks for your gracious response. I agree that the issues you raise are
key ones (as I already acknowledged). It's a long and broad-ranging
discussion (been going on for 15 years already and still going strong,
no?). Perhaps sometime we can get into it and give it the attention it
deserves (maybe you could do that now but I can't).


Blair Sandler

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