Doug Henwood wrote:
> I just got a call from a subscriber who's on the Joliet, Ill., school
> board. The biggest taxpayer in their town is Mobil's refinery, and the
> company is pleading poverty and demanding a property tax reduction.
> Joliet's school district, none too healthy to start with, will be
> devastated if the company wins. Anyone with any ideas on how to challenge
> this - who knows how to cut through Mobil's accounting b.s. in particular -
> please contact me by email or phone as quickly as possible.

This is the stuff of what people who work in unions call
'corporate campaigns.'  This fellow (who may be the same one who
called me) should try his state AFL-CIO or the national office.

Max B. Sawicky                  202-775-8810 (voice)
Economic Policy Institute       202-775-0819 (fax)
1660 L Street, NW               [EMAIL PROTECTED]        
Suite 1200                      
Washington, DC  20036

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