I don't know if Village Voice is online, but eyeNET is.  This is where 
the Voice heard about the story.  I don't have the eyeNET page address, 
but the series of three stories has been sent to <marxism> and they 
are also set aside in a separate file in the marxism list archive.

Go to Spoon home page at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/~spoons

Choose archive for marxism list, then look for "eyenet" file.  It 
contains the 3 stories.  If you want to see the latest traffic on the 
list, choose "current" file, for a few days old choose "recent", older 
than that is labeled by ending date, arranged chronologically.

There is a lot of other stuff around there, including archives of other 
lists and various papers submitted by list-members.


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