The greatest fuss has been made in the monopoly-controlled media
about the nomination of Bill Clinton, chieftain of U.S.
imperialism, as the Democratic Party candidate for President. In
his acceptance speech Clinton created a mental phantasm, akin to
the phantasmagoria created by computerized special effects in
     Clinton declared that he is a bridge between the present and
the future, while he condemned the Republican Party as a bridge
between the present and the past. This digitalization of reality or
word imagery can only fool Clinton and his cronies as the bridge
between the present and the future, or between the present and the
past can only be the most profound social revolution. The bridge to
the future is certainly not the continuation of the capitalist
status quo which Clinton has pledged to protect.
     Bill Clinton was not the least hesitant in conjuring up this
mental image, for the actual reality in the U.S. is too sordid even
for him to stomach. He called upon the people of the U.S. and the
world to ignore the stark reality and put their faith in his mental
     Clinton is hoping to enter the twenty-first century with the
bare threads of his mental apparition, which is to say, totally
unprepared, revealing once again the utter bankruptcy of the U.S.
capitalist system. It is only the working class which can tackle
the reality and lift the society out of the crisis. Among Clinton,
Dole, Nader, Perot and others the people see nothing but a tragic
joke unfolding before them. A firm boycott of this presidential
election is the only way forward for all those who wish to open the
door for the progress of U.S. society.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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