A veritable army of 12,000 South Korean police in full riot gear
fanned out across south Korea on Wednesday and stormed 23
university campuses, including all 11 in Seoul. Reports state that
they forcibly entered the premises of any student group that
advocates the reunification of the Korean homeland. They took into
custody 347 students, caused enormous damage and stole ten
truckloads of books, pamphlets and other material belonging to the
students. The reports did not detail injuries to students.
     Hours after the police raids, a Seoul prosecution official
said that government security officials were discussing further
measures to disband and smash Hanchongryon, the Korean Federation
of University Student Councils, which was characterized as
"pro-communist and therefore illegal."
     Apparently the 5,800 arrests the week before have not crushed
the student movement for the reunification of Korea, the ouster of
U.S. troops and the withdrawal of the fascist "National Security
Law." South Korean officials are panic stricken with the size and
determination of the resistance movement of the Korean youth and
students and are lashing out in a demonic frenzy at anyone who does
not support the U.S. puppet government.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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