At 10:19 PM 9/7/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Are the following "facts" true? 
>1.  Faculty salaries are not keeping up with inflation. 

This is not true for every year since 1976.

I should have added the CPI (1983=100) data to my chart from last Friday.
All data from
Research Associates of Washington's *Inflation Measures for Schools,
Colleges, and Libraries* (1996).

The 1995 indexes (1983=100) for a few wage classes (including some
private/public distinctions I have added since last Friday marked by >>>):

Research Faculty        180.3
Faculty                              176.1
>>>Priv. U. Full Prof.      192.9
>>>Pub. U.  Full Prof.     177.0
>>>Priv. Coll  Full Prof.  180.2
>>>Pub. Coll. Full Prof.  170.5
RA's                                   171
TA's                                    171
Library Pro Staff              167.2
Admin Pro Staff               179.7
Clerical                               159.6
>>>>>>> CPI <<<<<<<<  153.3
Student Workers            145.2
Service                               149.2
Operator/Laborers       146.7

You have a mirror of the U.S. economy as whole in the above the rich get
richest, their sycophants get nice crumbs, and the lowest lose.

>2.  Charges for a college education abstracting from 
>     financial aid and state subsidies are increasing 
>     faster than inflation.    

Very true. 

Jim Westrich
University of Illinois at Chicago
Institute on Disability and Human Development

"... are you living in some kind of Disney where thinking is king?"
--- Bomb the Bass

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