Judging art by who likes it is ridiculous.
After all, there are idiots who like Marx.
(We know who you are.)  And I read Henwood.

The best progressive music many of you never heard
of is the musical theatrical production "Pins and
Needles."  It was orginally staged by the ILGWU in
the forties.  There was one song in particular for
which different words were written corresponding to
before, during, and after the Hitler-Stalin pact
("Four Little Angels of Peace Are We").

If you look (if helps if you're in New York City)
you can find a 50's LP version featuring
a young lady named Barbara Streisand.

I'm also fond of reading proletarian messages into
the music of The Band.  (e.g., "Japan," in the
recent "Jericho" album)


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