Rodong-sinmun, organ of the Workers' Party of Korea, commented
September 12, on the fascist suppression of the patriotic students
in the south of Korea. It reports that on September 10, the south
Korean puppet administration decided to extend past September 17,
the detention of 3,340 students who are awaiting trial for
participating in the patriotic pro-unification festival in August.
     Rodong-sinmun comments: "This (the continued detention of the
students) reveals the criminal design of the south Korean puppets
to more tightly bind the pro-reunification, patriotic and
democratic forces of south Korea, including Hanchongryon, to the
fascist repressive order....The Kim Young-Sam fascist clique, that
has mobilized tens of thousands of heavily-armed police in the
frantic crackdown on peaceful demonstrators, suffocated them with
tear gas and arrested them at random, and deserves severe
punishment. The students, who threw a few fire bottles in protest
against the fascist crackdown, can never be targets of punishment
in any country."
     The newspaper denounces the introduction in the south of a
so-called "police protection stop line" that is going to be drawn
in front of all rallies and demonstrations. Any demonstrator who
ventures beyond the line will be shot by the police. Rodong-sinmun
writes: "(The 'stop line') is even worse than any system the former
military dictators dared to introduce. When the Kim Young-Sam
fascist clique steps down from power, they will face death for
their thrice-cursed crimes." The commentary demands an end to the
fascist suppression of the youth and the unconditional release of
all students.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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