The following two job listings from my Dept. (Case Western Reserve
University) will appear in the October _JOE_.  The Dept. currently has 12-13
people, dependent on how you count. PEN folks may be particularly familiar
with the work of my colleagues, Sue Helper and Laura Leete.    


LOO  Industrial organization
F00 International Economics

        Applications and nominations are invited for the Frank Tracy Carlton
Professor of Economics.  An empirically oriented specialist in industrial
organization or international economics is strongly preferred.  Candidates
should have an outstanding publication record and demonstrated ability and
achievement in teaching and service.  The holder of the Chair will be
expected to teach both undergraduate and MBA courses, to have a strong
interest in executive education programs, and to provide leadership in the
department as well as the school.  Candidates should submit a curriculum
vitae and reprints of three recent articles, along with a letter expressing
interest in the chair. The committee expects to complete its search by March
        An equal opportunity-affirmative action employer.  CONTACT: Asim
Erdilek, Search Chair, Dept. of Economics, Wickenden 400, Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7206.

F0  International Economics
F4  Macro Aspects Intl Trade/Fin

        The Economics Department of the Weatherhead School of Management has
one opening at the junior level for a specialist in International Economics.
As presently authorized, this is a visiting position with some prospect that
it will be converted to tenure track.  The successful candidate will be
eager to teach undergraduates, and will have the potential to teach in the
MBA and Executive Education programs, in addition to pursuing an active
program of research.  Candidates should submit a letter of intent,
curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation.
        An equal opportunity-affirmative action employer.  CONTACT: William
Peirce, Chair, Dept. of Economics, Wickenden 400, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7206.        


Rich Parkin,
Economics Dept.,
400 Wickenden Building,
10,900 Euclid Ave.,
Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH 44106-7206
(216) 368-4294 (w)
(216) 368-5039 (fax)

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