I forwarded Paul Z's latest to Adolph Reed, who responded:

Paul Z:

>>>Doug, I didn't vote, but was chairing the meeting, so why don't you call
>>>for expelling all who voted in favor of this great crime--that would be
>>>more consistent with your statement?

Adolph Reed:

>There actually was some discussion of barring everyone who voted for the
>endorsement from holding office in a reorganized chapter, but we decided
>that doing so could be unfair to individuals who may have voted out of
>genuine ignorance of what the Convention had passed. This obviously did not
>apply to Zarembka, who was present and active at the convention and who, as
>chapter chair, had a responsibility to communicate the convention's actions
>to chapter membership. I don't know what Zarembka's game is, but it's clear
>that he instigated the Fricano endorsement while simultaneously trying to
>feign innocence. I'd be concerned, if I were his ally, to see his
>willingness to push provocative actions joined so consistently by
>sophomoric attempts to maintain plausible deniability of his responsibility
>for them.
>As to Barizoni's concerns, perhaps some who voted for the Fricano
>endorsement didn't realize the gravity of their action; that's one reason
>that the INC voted to provide for the chapter's reinstatemnt. But it's
>absolutely certain that Zarembka knew, and it's also absolutely clear that
>he has been attempting to organize against the democratically decided
>actions of the Cleveland convention since the moment it was adjourned. The
>Fricano endorsement wasn't a simple mistake. Sending him a letter pledging
>a LP endorsement is exactly the kind of thing that could open us to a
>Taft-Hartley investigation and at the very least bog us down in costly
>litigation when we should be building the party. As to all the procedural
>tap-dancing about who had authority to do what when, Tony moved quickly as
>acting National Organizer, the de facto agent of the as-yet-convened INC.
>The seriousness of the situation demanded immediate, peremptory action, and
>the INC agreed that waiting for the first INC meeting, which couldn't be
>held until August, would be dangerous.
>The bottom line is this: it's time to get to work trying to build the
>party,mainly but not exclusiveley inside unions. The Zarembkas of the world
>have been sent a clear message that the LP isn't going to tolerate
>violations of core policy that are potentially destructive of that
>party-building effort. For those who feel the need to run or work for
>candidates for electoral office, it's easy enough to do so under the flag
>of the New Party or the Democrats or the Vegetarian Party or whatever.
>That's not the route the Labor Party has chosen for itself for now, and if
>anyone can't abide by that choice, they should take their politics

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