Socialist Register is not exactly a magazine. It comes out once a year and
contains articles that are related thematically. For example, Socialist
Register 2000 is devoted to an examination of Utopia, which means how
socialism can recapture the visionary goals of Marx and Engels, not how to
start free-love communes in Vermont that grow soybeans and sing "Kumbaya"
around the campfire.

At 10:42 AM 3/30/00 -0500, you wrote:
>can i ask a question?
>Is "Socialist Register 1992" a collection of essays or a special volume of
>socialist register magazine? I saw a reference in someone else's paper to
>"Socialist Register 1992" edited by Miliband. there are articles by
>Wallerstein and Cox. I can not figure out if this is a book or special
>volume since my library does not seem to know. does any body know what
>"Socialist register 1992" is? I mean, is this a book other than the
>_Socialist Register_ magazine?
>I appreciate any help if possible..
>Mine Aysen Doyran
>Phd Student
>Political Science

Louis Proyect

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