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                  Published on Thursday, March 30, 2000 in the
Washington Post
                  GOP Attorneys Generals Solicit
                  Large Contributions From
                  Corporations That Are
                  Embroiled In Lawsuits
                  by George Lardner Jr. and Susan Schmidt

                  Republican state attorneys general are soliciting
                  contributions from corporations that are embroiled
in--or are
                  seeking to avert--lawsuits by states.

                  The Republican Attorneys General Association expects
to collect
                  $550,000--in chunks of $5,000 and up--from various
                  gathered in Austin for a two-day session beginning
today. The
                  meeting features a "political briefing" Friday morning
by Karl Rove,
                  Texas Gov. George W. Bush's chief political

                  Membership in RAGA costs anywhere from $5,000 to
                  with increasing levels of access to the attorneys
                  depending on the donation. Microsoft Corp., which is
being sued
                  by 19 states that have joined a Justice Department
                  lawsuit, contributed $10,000 last year, according to
                  spokesman Rick Miller. Telecommunications giant SBC
                  Communications Inc., whose acquisition of Ameritech
Corp. was
                  facing review by state officials, says it contributed

                  Officials of the Republican National Committee said
RAGA raised
                  $100,000 last year, but they declined to identify
where the money
                  came from. The donations are used for state attorney

                  However, there is no way of knowing which companies
                  contributed to RAGA or how much. Contributions
solicited by the
                  group go into the general "soft money" account of the
RNC and
                  are reported in the RNC's monthly filings with the
Federal Election
                  Commission. "We disclose every cent we raise," said
                  spokesman Mike Collins.

                  Insurance company Aetna gave $10,000 to the RNC's soft
                  account last July 26, around the time of RAGA's first
                  drive, but Collins declined to say whether that was
for a RAGA
                  membership. Aetna U.S. Healthcare was one of six
                  organizations accused of HMO fraud by Texas Attorney
                  Dan Morales, a Democrat, in 1998 just before he left
office. The
                  litigation has been moving slowly under Morales's
                  successor, John Cornyn, host of this week's RAGA

                  Critics of the group say they are troubled by such
spotty disclosure
                  and by the use of state law enforcement officials as
                  for the GOP. Several present and past attorneys
                  Republican and Democrat, complain that RAGA puts
                  general in the position of asking for money from
potential or even
                  actual defendants.

                  "I think this erodes every attorney general," said
                  Massachusetts attorney general Scott Harshbarger, a
                  who is now president of Common Cause. "If you don't
prosecute a
                  case against someone when people think you should, or
                  someone when people think you shouldn't, that's your
job. But
                  once somebody thinks one of us is doing that for
political reasons,
                  it affects us all."

                  RAGA's leaders reject charges that the group's
                  present a conflict of interest.

                  "I am proud to support [RAGA], and it does not create
a conflict of
                  interest," said Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor,
who founded
                  the group last year. Cornyn said it was "outrageous"
to suggest he
                  would be influenced by contributions to RAGA. "As
                  general, I will always take action against those who
have broken
                  the law," he said in a statement. "No exceptions. No

                  In most states, the job of attorney general is an
elected, partisan
                  position, and those seeking the post raise money just
as other
                  politicians do. But while the tab for most attorney
general races is
                  fairly small, RAGA represents an effort--permitted
under federal
                  election law--to pump far larger sums into targeted

                  So far, RAGA has enlisted seven of the 15 Republican
                  general in the nation, and some have told colleagues
they joined
                  reluctantly, urged by GOP officials in their states.
Besides Pryor
                  and Cornyn, attorneys general in Delaware, Nebraska,
                  Carolina, Virginia and Wyoming have signed up.

                  Asked why he did not join the group, Pennsylvania
                  General Mike Fisher said, "I'm a Republican and I try
to keep
                  politics out of my business as attorney general."

                  "We're a family, and families can disagree," Grant
Woods, former
                  Republican attorney general of Arizona, told the
                  Association of Attorneys General during a discussion
about RAGA
                  at its spring meeting here last week. "But don't do

                  Harshbarger pointed out that other Democratic
attorneys general
                  had in the past resisted efforts by the Democratic
                  Committee to organize for fund-raising purposes.

                  "This is absolutely an effort by people with special
interests to stop
                  attorneys general from pursuing their traditional role
as protectors
                  of the public interest, not special interests,"
Harshbarger said.

                  One of RAGA's founding members and its first chairman,
                  Carolina Attorney General Charles Condon, had joined
                  Microsoft lawsuit but dropped out in December 1998,
                  changes in the industry. A few months earlier,
Microsoft had given
                  $20,000 to the South Carolina GOP, one of the largest
gifts in the
                  state party's history.

                  RAGA is an outgrowth of the increased activism of
states and their
                  attorneys general in recent years. A number of states
have banded
                  together in lawsuits against such companies as
cigarette makers
                  and car manufacturers. The group is in part a backlash
                  activist attorneys general who have teamed up against
                  business on issues from false advertising by carmakers
                  price-fixing in the women's shoe industry.

                  RAGA was conceived by Alabama's Pryor, who said he was

                  alarmed by the dwindling number of Republican
attorneys general
                  and the public-private lawyer alliance in the tobacco
litigation. He
                  said he began discussions with colleagues, including
Condon and
                  Cornyn, about how to elect "conservative,
crime-fighting attorneys
                  general in other states."

                  They joined forces with the RNC, and RNC Chairman Jim
                  Nicholson announced RAGA's formation in June 1999.
                  called it "a tremendous opportunity" for the GOP
because a large
                  number of attorney general seats up for election in
1999 and 2000
                  were held by Democrats. The group later said it would
not go after
                  incumbent Democrats but would help Republicans seeking

                  reelection or running for open seats.

                  The attorneys general who formed the new organization
                  supporters in the business community say what alarms
them most
                  is the prospect of more alliances between attorneys
general and
                  plaintiff's lawyers that can cost billions, including
huge contingency
                  fees such as those awarded to the trial lawyers in the

                  James Wootton, executive director of the U.S. Chamber
                  Commerce's Institute for Legal Reform, said the $246
                  tobacco settlement has opened the door to similar
                  between private lawyers and state officials
considering claims
                  against gunmakers and manufacturers of lead-based

                  RAGA's Austin meeting is closed to the public, but an
                  described it as an opportunity for business executives
to talk with
                  attorneys general about how to preserve "conservative
                  in the political marketplace."

                  "I encourage you to round up your clients and come see
                  RAGA is all about," Cornyn wrote in a January letter
to Austin
                  lawyer Hector DeLeon.

                  A panel on high technology and telecommunications
                  industry representatives and attorneys general
discussing "free
                  enterprise and the proper balance of government
regulation" and
                  "timely issues such as antitrust, interstate commerce,
                  gambling . . ."

                  A "consumer protection" panel discussion is titled
"The Business
                  Community & Attorneys General: Working Together to
                  Communities & Consumers."

                  Conference participants had been scheduled to attend a

                  welcoming reception at the governor's mansion, but the
site was
                  changed last week after media inquiries. Mansion
staffers said the
                  RAGA reservation was canceled the same day Bush
                  Ari Fleischer was asked about it. RAGA Executive
Director Ben
                  DePuy said the shift was made because "with 175 people
                  we needed a larger venue." He estimated that 70
percent of the
                  participants would be RAGA members and said that
others could
                  attend for a $275 registration fee.

                  The conference will wind up with a choice of golf,
tennis, spa
                  relaxation or an afternoon of skeet and trap shooting
sponsored by
                  the National Rifle Association.

                  Staff writer James V. Grimaldi, researcher Lynn Davis
                  database editor Sarah Cohen contributed to this

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Michael Perelman
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