thanks for this very important correction..

the presenter's name is Paul Streeten, not Streen!!

please, consider it corrected here, since it is correct in the flyers...


>Gunder Frank wrote:

> >his name is Streeten
> >gunderOn Fri, 31 Mar 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 17:34:48 -0500 (EST)
> > Subject: Talk at SUNY Albany  (fwd)
> >
> >
> >
> > I think that the folks will be interested in this. State University of New
> > York at Albany, Nelson A. Rockeffeller College, Graduate School of Public
> > Affairs, The Department of Public Administration and Policy presents Paul
> > Streen, founder of the influential journal World Development who will
> > speak on "What is Wrong with Comtemporary Economics?", Milne 200,
> > Rockefeller College, Tuesday, April 11, 2000, 4 p.m. Paul Streen is a
> > leading thinker on international development who has written on diverse
> > subjects ranging from the history of economic thought to international
> > trade to the measurement of social progress. As a reviwer of one of his
> > more recent works, Thinking about Development (1995) noted, Dr. Streen's
> > great legacy is: "his dedication to the proposition that behind
> > economists' stacks of equations and piles of tables are people
> > too many of whom lack opportunities to earn decent incomes, to secure
> > basic health and education, and to enjoy personal freedoms". Dr.Streen is
> > Professor of Emeritus of Economics at Boston University. He is a fellow of
> > Balliol College at Oxford University, and served as a visiting professor
> > at many universities throughout Europe. His many books include, What Price
> > Food? Beyond Adjustment, Strategies for Human Development and The United
> > National and the Brettton Woods Institutions. Asked where he called home,
> > the awowed "heterodox economist" said, "Having moved from Austria to
> > England, Scotland and America, my roots are not in the soil but
> > are aerial, across national boundries". Dr. Streen's cosmopolitan
> > background offers an unique vantage point to analyze the evolution of
> > thought and strategies on international development and its present scope.
> >
> > A reception will follow the talk. For more information please call Dori
> > Brown (518) 442-5258 or Prof. Holy Sims (518) 442-5268.
> >
> > You can also e-mail me (Mine) at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > To obtain Enrollment Information Call, (518)-442-5244. Visit our web site
> > at
> >
> >
> > --
> > Mine Aysen Doyran
> > Phd Student
> > Department of Political Science
> > SUNY at Albany
> > Nelson A. Rockefeller College
> > Western Avenue 135,
> > Milne 102, Albany/NY, 12222
> >
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>                      ANDRE GUNDER FRANK
>           Visiting Professor  of  International Relations
> University of Miami           &         Florida International University
> 380 Giralda Ave. Apt 704                Tel: 1-305-648 1906
> Miami - Coral Gables FL                 Fax: 1-305-648 0149
> USA  33134                              e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Personal/Professional Home Page>
> My NATO/Kosovo Page>
> My professional/personal conclusion is the same as Pogo's -
>             We have met the enemy, and it is US
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Mine Aysen Doyran
PhD Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 12222

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