Dear Friends,

Please spread the word around to your lists and to your friends not on these
lists. Apologies in advance, because I'm sure this will conflict with other
events already scheduled. Thanks for your help. Also, if you reply, please
do not hit "reply to all." Thanks.

Daniel Cahill-O'Connell


Seattle Comes to Washington:
The WTO, World Bank, IMF, and You
A Teach-In on Global Justice
And the New World Order
When? Friday, April 7, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Where? Herzfeld Auditorium, Hannan Hall, The Catholic University of America

Come and learn what the upcoming protests against the World Bank and the IMF
are all about. Learn about the global movement calling for cancellation of
developing country debt. Hear what  World Bank and IMF policies have done to
promote the debt treadmill and "globalization" at the expense of working
people around the world. Participate in discussions of what we can do today
to change directions and construct a more just world economy.

1:00 -- Welcome
1:15 -- What is the Jubilee 2000 Campaign to cancel debt?
        David Bryden
                Jubilee 2000 USA
        Carlos Pacheco
                Jubilee 2000 Coalition Nicaragua
        Chrispin Mphuka
                Jubilee 2000 Zambia Campaign

3:00 -- A Global Uprising for a More Just and Equitable World
        Njoki Njoroge Njehu
                50 Years is Enough Network

3:45 -- What Do World Bank and IMF Policies Mean for the Environment?
        Carol Welch
                Friends of the Earth

4:15 -- Towards Alternatives to Structural Adjustment
        Nancy Alexander
                Globalization Challenge

Sponsored by the Peace and Justice Studies Program, The Catholic University
of America

For further information contact Dr. William A. Barbieri, Director of Peace
and World Order Studies, Catholic University at 202.319.5700


Daniel Cahill-O'Connell
202.319.5488/5773 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Louis Proyect

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