>I really wonder why New York Times and bourgeois sources like
>this suddenly rediscover Africa's heritage of colonalism!! Overall, it
>does not seem to me more than an "orientalist" sympaty of reconstructing
>the "other": we killed the folks, and let's do something to compansate it.

The NY Times is much more complex. There are continual battles going on
over how to report, either in the interests of the truth or in the
interests of the State Department. Raymond Bonner was an honest reporter
who dared to question the Reaganite line on Central America. Finally he was
purged. I think everybody should read the NY Times on a daily basis, either
in print or on the web. It is the best newspaper in the world, regardless
of its editorial stance.

Louis Proyect

(The Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org)

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