I knew it! As i said before that the Kansas education system has
been taking a christian, right-wing orientation since the gradual
imposition of creation theory in public schools by the kansas state board
of education. Practically , biology courses are abolished, and biology
teachers have been forced to understate their own views in case they
go contrary to what is stated in the bible about creation. Finally, the
religious right has taken control over the medical school. These guys are
financially backed by libertarians and economic liberals as the number of
neo-conservatives in the board of education proves (unanimous 12 or 10) .
I am not suprised. Non-religiosity is not even welcomed among the secular
progressives in the US, let alone among Kansas reactionaries.
Unfortunately, recent events seem to be the product of this conformist and
fascisan popular mentality.. As Marx sophisticatedly said in his early
writings, religion is the product of bourgeois "secular narrowness" and
the legitimating ideology of civil society that privitizes the "privilige
of faith" as a "universal right of man", just as it legitimizes private
property as a natural right. (Marx-engels reader, Tucker, p. 41)   



Texans know Fred Whitehead, Ph.D. from his talk on Freethought history at
the 1999 Atheist Alliance convention and his research into Comfort's German
Freethinkers. Fred is an outspoken advocate of freethought nationally and
at his university. It got him fired last week from his Kansas University
professorship in medical humanities after 21 years of teaching.

His "research does not fit the mission of the Medical School," said Dr.
Deborah Powell, Executive Dean of the School.

"This is surely the most extensive peer review in the entire history of the
University," Whitehead responded. "The Medical Center has many
religion-based events, such as an annual Religion and Medicine symposium.
Yet last November, when I sponsored a national conference at this center on
the Evolution Controversy, I was harassed by two administrators. My
subsequent proposal that I work in the field of science education in Kansas
has been rejected by the University. There is a clear pattern of favoritism
for religious expression, while a secular humanist like me is dismissed

On his complaint to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,
Whitehead listed his religion as "Freethinker." His religious belief not
being accommodated is "academic freedom." Whitehead thus continues the
American intellectual tradition of Thomas Paine and Robert Ingersoll.

More than 150 letters of support have arrived at Kansas University from 34
States and 11 nations.

Louis Proyect
Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

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