> From: Jack Owens, Idaho State University
> **************************************************************
> The Electronic Atlas Cultural Initiative Conference
> British Library, London
> June 26-28, 2000
> Additional Meetings of ECAI Tech, ECAI Editors, and Special
> topics groups: June 23-25
> Workshops: June 29-30
> Registration is now open at the ECAI website
> (www.ias.berkeley.edu/ecai/) for the June Meeting of ECAI.
> Accommodation information can also be found at this site.
> The Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI) is an
> international research project [www.ecai.org] aimed at the creation of
> distributed, spatially referenced, GIS-style cultural databases which can
> be accessed across the Internet from a common front-end software.
> The ECAI project (initiated in 1997 and headed by Professor Lewis
> Lancaster, East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of
> California at Berkeley), constitutes a new dimension in academic research,
> applications of digital and networked technologies and
> international collaboration. At present approximately 300 area specialists
> from ECAI Regional Teams* in conjunction with ECAI Technical Teams, are
> producing an interactive electronic atlas of the world from which selected
> data from regions, eras, and disciplines can be accessed.
> ECAI is planning to extend its geographical focus into Europe,
> the Middle East and Africa. It has therefore asked the British
> Library to host its 2000 conference and, over the following months,
> experts in all fields in Britain will be approached to attend and form
> their own Regional Teams for all aspects of British, European, Middle
> Eastern and African history and culture.
> ECAI 2000 at The British Library will be an exciting and
> important forum.
> There will be a reception on Monday 26 June 2000 to celebrate
> ECAI's aims and achievements, attended by the UK Government Minister for
> Arts and Libraries, Alan Howerth.
> ECAI is an exemplar of international collaboration being used to
> harness expertise worldwide in order to increase public access to the
> world's culture and history via the Internet.
> ********************************************************************

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