Arrighi's point is not about Braudel's disapproval of Wallerstein. The
point  he wants to make is  about the "emergence of world system as a
research program" in the Fernand Braudel Center and PEWS section of
ASA-- in other words,  the academic and institutional underpinnings of
the world system theory started by Wallerstein. That is what Arrighi
means below as a world system theorist.

btw, Braudel disagreed with Wallerstein _as much as_ Wallerstein
disagreed with Braudel. Braudel was not a Marxist to begin with.
Wallerstein went beyond Braudel, and orthodox marxist theory, with a new
theory of modern capitalism as a "structurally differentiated"  world
system whose parts related to each other through a hierarchy chain:
core-semiperiphery-periphery model as opposed to nation-state centric
model.  Such a systemic outlook was significantly lacking in previous


_Giovanni Arrighi_  wrote in his article:

>> 1. The World-System Perspective and Wallerstein's Theory of the
> >Capitalist World-Economy.
> >As Harriet Friedmann (1996: 321) has pointed out, the emergence of
> >world-system perspective as research program is inseparable from the
> >influence of Immanuel Wallerstein's The Modern World System, Vol.I
> >(henceforth TMWS) and from the
> >new institutions formed in its wake, most notably the PEWS Section of

> >the ASA, the journal Review, and the Fernand Braudel Center.

Ricardo replied:

>Why the Fernand Braudel Center? - the only book by Braudel that can
>be placed - and only indirectly - within the WS tradition is Vol 3, The

>Perspective of the World, of Civilization and Capitalism. Even in
>this volume, one detects that Braudel was not impressed by
>Wallerstein's approach to history

>volume is quite critical of Wallesrstein
>Braudel was too sophisticated a historian to accept the functional
>narrowness of a  Wallerstein.


Mine Aysen Doyran
PhD Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 12222

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