More on this month's Malefactor of Wealth,
Bechtel Corp:

. . . Bechtel has long been a WB favorite contractor - naturally since they
are infamous for using their heavy handed Repub political clout for getting
the big infrastructure projects overseas and in the defense industry.  . .
."Although Bechtel did not build the ill-fated Three Mile Island (TMI)
nuclear power plant, as co-manager of the cleanup operation at TMI it did
help make a bad situation worse. The NRC's Office of Investigations found
that Bechtel schemed to avoid making the necessary repairs and that the
company "improperly classified" modifications to the plant as "not important
to safety" in order to avoid safety controls. . . . "


Here's a book cite:

Friends in High Places: the Bechtel Story - the Most Secret Corporation and
How It Engineered the World, by Laton McCartney (Simon & Schuster, 1988).

Here's something from Bartlett and Steele in Time Mag:

"The justification for much of this welfare is that the U.S.
             government is creating jobs. Over the past six years, Congress
             appropriated $5 billion to run the Export-Import Bank of the
             United States, which subsidizes companies that sell goods
             abroad. James A. Harmon, president and chairman, puts it this
             way: "American workers...have higher-quality, better-paying
             jobs, thanks to Eximbank's financing." But the numbers at the
             bank's five biggest beneficiaries--AT&T, Bechtel, Boeing,
             General Electric and McDonnell Douglas (now a part of
             Boeing)--tell another story. At these companies, which have
             accounted for about 40% of all loans, grants and long-term
             guarantees in this decade, overall employment has fallen 38%,
             as more than a third of a million jobs have disappeared.

Here's a piece on water privatization flap in the Phillipines
also involving Bechtel:

And another re: Bechtel in India:

In Nevada, Bechtel involved in influence peddling
for nuclear waste dumping . . .

There is also right-wing conspiracy shit which
I have not referenced.  Interested parties are
directed to Eagle Forum and Free Republic.
Some of this links Bechtel to the Lippo Group,
and from there to you-know-who.


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