
Finally, clarity from the suites about the recent protests in the streets 
against the WTO/IMF/WB.  See below.

Seth Sandronsky

 > The Calgary Sun                                                 Tuesday,
 > May 2, 2000
 >  Mystery lurks behind protest
 >  Many will be surprised when true nature of demonstrators is known
 >         By PAUL JACKSON
 >  Someone, somewhere -- in the FBI, CIA, RCMP, CSIS, MI5, MI6 and
 >  other intelligence and police agencies in the western world --
 >  must be asking a question that one day will unravel with damning
 >  consequences.
 >  The question is: Who is covertly financing and directing the protest
 >  groups that rocked the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Seattle,
 >  threatened to close down the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
 >  meetings in Washington, and now are focusing on the World Petroleum
 >  Congress in Calgary in June?
 >  How is it these supposedly motley crews -- looking like the
 >  disorganized flotsam and jetsam of the world's radical left --
 >  can be so well organized?
 >  What planning goes into shipping thousands of these zealots to
 >  Seattle, Washington and soon Calgary?
 >  Where did they get their targets and how did they manage
 >  communication, travel and accommodation plans on such a vast scale?
 >  Who delighted in seeing the carnage in the streets of Seattle, and
 >  savours the disruptions that may soon occur upon the streets of
 >  Calgary?
 >  And why -- in democratic nations like the United States and Canada
 >  -- are the representatives of legitimate worldwide organizations
 >  being made to perspire and even fear what may befall them?
 >  Well, sooner or later, we are going to find out, and then the sham
 >  of those who pretend to be so concerned about the environment, child
 >  labour in the Third World and 101 other bogus 'matters of conscience'
 >  will be revealed.
 >  Here are three immediate possibilities:
 >  *Libya's Moammar Gadhafi.
 >  *Iraq's Saddam Hussein.
 >  *Afghanistan's Osama bin Laden
 >  All are prone to promote world terrorism with an aim to destabilize
 >  the western democracies.
 >  A trial is now under way in Lockerbie, Scotland, involving suspected
 >  Libyan agents' role in the 1988 downing of Pan Am flight 103 and the
 >  deaths of its 259 passengers, and bin Laden -- the "elusive
 >  billionaire" -- is being fingered by the FBI as financing terrorism
 >  by Algerian extremists -- including a Canadian connection.
 >  Let's backtrack a bit. From the 1950s to the 1990s, western
 >  democracies witnessed all kinds of mass protest movements against
 >  the policies of their elected governments.
 >  We had groups like the "Ban the Bomb"' movement wanting the west to
 >  get rid of its nuclear weapons, groups urging us to disarm completely
 >  and trust the Soviet Union to later do the same, student protest
 >  groups spawning riots on issue after issue, and actually bringing
 >  down the government of France's Charles de Gaulle, and groups with
 >  military wings like the Irish Republican Army.
 >  Find an issue or manufacture one, and some radical group would spring
 >  up to oppose it.
 >  We now know many of these causes were orchestrated by Moscow and its
 >  puppet regimes in Eastern Europe -- particularly East Germany -- and
 >  the groups financed by the Kremlin and its front organizations.
 >  Moscow was involved in shipping arms to the IRA, and Moscow and
 >  Beijing were behind much of the Vietnam anti-war movement.
 >  The collapse of the Soviet Union and the opening of files has also
 >  revealed any number of the west's left-wing and liberal politicians
 >  and bureaucrats had been co-opted by our enemies.
 >  Much of this was known or suspected by our intelligence
 >  organizations, but kept under wraps for either legal or security
 >  reasons -- or to prevent mass unease or even panic by western
 >  society.
 >  Some of the culprits in the Moscow/Beijing-directed operations were
 >  out-and-out traitors, some sold out for money, some were blackmailed,
 >  and many were simply 'useful' dupes.
 >  Some of these "useful dupes," such as the unilateral disarmament
 >  types, were astonished to learn they had been used as pawns and were
 >  regarded as "idiots" by their puppetmasters.
 >  Ten-to-one, a lot of us will again be surprised -- even stunned --
 >  when the true identity and nature of the latest radical protest
 >  groups are revealed.
 >     Jackson, associate editor of the Sun, can be reached at
 >     Letters to the editor should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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