The situation on the Korean Peninsula is sliding dangerously
towards armed confrontation. Since August, the south Korean
fascists, aided and prodded by the U.S. imperialists, have been
escalating their propaganda war against the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea. It appears that the size and support amongst the
students for reunification and the ouster of U.S. troops surprised
the U.S. and the south Korean puppet government. Tens of thousands
of students fought pitched battles with a massive police force for
nine days. The students wanted to participate in a unification
festival, which was declared illegal under the "National Security
Law." The authorities arrested more than 7,000 students.    Since
that time the south Korean government has engaged in total
suppression of anyone even mentioning the word "unification." All
patriotic organizations have been banned. Even electronic
communications such as computers or fax machines are not allowed to
carry messages discussing the issue. Any person who mentions
"unification" is immediately branded a "spy" and "agent of the
communists from the north" and subject to severe penalties. A
police spokesperson said Monday that "North Korea is suspected of
sending documents via facsimile this week to south Korean citizens
and organizations...(explaining their position regarding the
submarine incident.)" The puppet government was so concerned to
stop any views from the north being heard that they used the phone
company to track down some of the fax messages which "were found to
have been faxed from a stationery store in Osaka, Japan." News
reports state that the Korean Police said they will "seek
cooperation from Interpol, if necessary, in handling the case."
They justified their measures by claiming that there exists a
"possibility of resident spies or pro-North Korean dissidents
launching similar propaganda activities."    On top of this blatant
fascism, and contrary to any norms of civilized behavior, the
south Korean armed forces were ordered to slaughter the members of
a crippled DPRK submarine that had the misfortune to run aground
off south Korea. They used this inhuman bloodbath to tighten
controls over the people through curfews and "security alerts" and
heighten war hysteria even further. They have abandoned any
pretence of human rights altogether as they label as "spies" anyone
who suggests normalizing relations with the north. The U.S. for
its part has transported huge quantities of war material to south
Korea so that supplies will be there in the event large numbers of
U.S. troops are quickly airlifted into Korea from bases elsewhere.
They also announced a new sale to south Korea of 100 sophisticated
missiles. The DPRK has denounced these provocations as active war
preparations by the U.S. imperialists proving that they have no
intention of signing a peace agreement with Korea but want war in
a vain attempt to conquer all of Korea.  All thinking people must
oppose the fascist suppression of the people in south
Korea and the growing war preparations and threats of U.S.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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