Susan Fleck wrote:

> On a lighter note, in response to Doug Henwood's comment on McDonalds...
> They are suffering sales because they microwave their burgers these days!
> blech!
> (I won't tell you how I know.)

On a more serious note, let me answer Doug's recent comments. *Why* are
sales decreasing at McDonalds?  In an oligopolistic market, a large
amount of money capital per firm is "invested" in product differentiation,
especially advertising and marketing. The recent decline in sales at
McDonalds can be explained in this context -- not in the context of
continuous technical change or increasing labor plus capital (fixed and
circulating) costs. It is well-known that McDonalds strategy of promoting
the adult burger is a colossal failure, for instance. Oligopolies gamble
big on advertising and marketing -- and sometimes lose (to the advantage
of other oligopolies in the market).

Now, it would be very easy to conclude based on the _WSJ_ article that
there is a profitability problem in the market as a whole rather than for
individual firms. It would be very easy to conclude that *if* one assumes
that what is happening at McDonalds is also happening to other firms in
the market *and* if one doesn't consider the specific nature of
competition in that market.


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