The brutal suppression of the south Korean Federation of University
Student Councils (Hanchongryon) was denounced at a press conference
October 7 in Korea. Chief of the Pyongyang mission of the National
Democratic Front of south Korea (NDFSK), Ri Jong Sang, told
reporters that the central committee of NDFSK met with all its
affiliated organizations on October 3, and made detailed plans for
the immediate struggle under the very repressive situation
prevailing in south Korea.
     The NDFSK called on all Koreans worldwide, and all friends of
Korea, to step up the struggle against the fascist Kim Young-sam
clique. One of the immediate tasks of the anti-Kim Young-sam
movement is to mount a courageous struggle to frustrate the south
Korean government's plans to strengthen the anti-democratic
National Security Law (NSL). Ri Jong Sang said that one of the
immediate tasks is to secure the abolition of the hated NSL. Also
on the agenda is full public disclosure of the "presidential
election funds," a probe into the truth behind the Kwangju massacre
and stern punishment of the principal culprits, as well as doing
everything possible to bring about the overthrow of the traitorous
Kim Young-sam puppet regime before the 1997 presidential election.
This will assist to open the road to independence, democracy and

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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