At 9:15 PM 10/16/96, Tavis Barr wrote:

>Do we have the usual up-to-the-minute Doug Henwood stats on credit card
>debt?  If so, what's happened?

See below. Provided as a public service by LBO; subscriptions always
welcome to defer the costs of keeping current.

>P.S.  My other question, for both Doug and Mike, is about concentration,
>since that's how the thread started.  Please note, I'm not a Monopoly
>Capital adherent, this is really just a question about logic: Is there
>any contradiction, IYHOs, between lower profitability and increased
>concentration?  Or increased differentiation?

My O is rarely H. Mergers can be a response to profitability pressures, no?
The health care merger wave in the U.S. now is a response to
cost-containment pressures, for example. Ditto weapons industry mergers, a
response to shrinking procurement budgets (relative to GDP, not in absolute



Here are the latest household credit numbers - outstanding levels expressed
as a percentage of disposable personal income, from the Fed's flow of funds
stats. 1996 figures are averages of the first two quarters; all others are
averages of the four quarters. Not shown in detail are miscellaneous forms
of credit like bank loans, security credit, and trade credit; they are,
however, included in the total. Because interest rates are lower now than
in the late 1980s, the debt service burden is lower than then, even as the
debt stock has continued to rise (and personal bankruptcies are at record


                     home    consumer
            total  mortgages  credit
    1952    35.5%    21.5%    11.4%
    1953    38.4%    23.0%    12.9%
    1954    41.3%    25.4%    13.1%
    1955    44.9%    27.7%    14.1%
    1956    47.7%    29.7%    14.9%
    1957    49.6%    31.1%    15.0%
    1958    50.8%    32.6%    14.7%
    1959    52.8%    33.9%    15.2%
    1960    56.1%    35.7%    16.2%
    1961    58.0%    37.1%    16.1%
    1962    59.7%    38.2%    16.4%
    1963    62.6%    39.9%    17.4%
    1964    63.8%    40.3%    18.1%
    1965    64.8%    40.6%    18.8%
    1966    64.7%    40.3%    18.8%
    1967    63.5%    39.5%    18.3%
    1968    62.8%    38.8%    18.2%
    1969    62.9%    38.4%    18.6%
    1970    60.9%    37.0%    17.9%
    1971    60.1%    36.3%    17.9%
    1972    61.6%    37.1%    18.5%
    1973    61.8%    36.8%    19.0%
    1974    62.0%    37.1%    18.8%
    1975    60.4%    36.5%    17.3%
    1976    61.0%    37.3%    17.1%
    1977    63.7%    39.4%    17.8%
    1978    65.9%    41.2%    18.5%
    1979    68.1%    43.3%    18.9%
    1980    67.9%    44.0%    17.7%
    1981    66.1%    43.1%    16.4%
    1982    65.4%    42.3%    16.1%
    1983    65.1%    41.4%    16.2%
    1984    65.8%    41.7%    17.2%
    1985    71.2%    44.8%    18.8%
    1986    75.4%    47.6%    19.8%
    1987    79.6%    52.0%    19.8%
    1988    80.9%    53.7%    19.6%
    1989    82.7%    55.1%    19.7%
    1990    84.8%    57.9%    19.1%
    1991    86.0%    59.6%    18.2%
    1992    85.1%    59.7%    17.0%
    1993    86.5%    60.5%    17.1%
    1994    89.1%    61.4%    18.3%
    1995    91.3%    61.7%    19.9%
    1996    93.1%    62.6%    20.6%



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
250 W 85 St
New York NY 10024-3217
+1-212-874-4020 voice
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