As I understand it, PEN-L is an interactive DISCUSSION list, NOT a
unilateral BROADCAST site.

I have no problem if someone who broadcasts, as does S. Tell, wants to
inform us where her/his work can be found on the WWW every now and then for
those few who might find this stuff interesting and unavailable elsewhere,
but it is pretty clear from her/his uniform lack of response to the several
PEN-Lers who have responded to her/his posts that S. Tell is (mis)using
PEN-L as a broadcast site, which is inappropriate, IMHO.  For my part, I
generally just send these back directly to her/him, as I do with snail mail
for which I have no need.

Sandy Thompson


Alexander M. Thompson III
Professor of Economics & Dean of Studies
Vassar College Box 5
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601


   tel: (914) 437-5257
   fax: (914) 437-7060

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