> Date sent:      Sat, 19 Oct 1996 13:36:12 -0700 (PDT)
> Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From:           Walter Daum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:        [PEN-L:6791] Re: pen-l

> I for one would object to Shawgi Tell's postings being barred from PEN-L.
> I don't read them all; very few, in fact. And much of the information
> can be picked up from other left sources. But not all. There is hardly
> anyone else, for example, keeping us posted on the pending Toronto
> shutdown, a subject which ought to be of interest to progressive
> economists.
> Walter Daum

I join in this sentiment. We all have a different style in presenting 
and reacting to ideas. I read some of Shawgi Tell's missives and 
regard each one as a form of communication to which I am free to 
reply by hitting the return function thus creating a dialogue. When 
he has been personally attacked, he has refrained from personal 
invective and response merely asking the rhetorical "Why or on what 
basis do you argue this?". 

In the response to Shawgi it was said that he was being asked not to 
post on pen-l on the basis of a "consensus" which means on the basis 
of common agreement. I for one do not agree and furthermore do not 
appreciate my vote being cast by anyone but me. You may say perhaps 
on the basis of a majority, but that too would beg the question: on 
the basis of what type of mechanism or process was this "majority" 

Who knows the reasons for someone's passions and style of interaction 
or style of presenting ideas. I know some victims of the Nazi 
Holocaust who are very unrefined and very dogmatic when they are 
confronted with revisionist histories of the period and what can one 
say unless they have walked a mile in someone's shoes--which we can 
never really do.

I have seen on this list individuals jumping through mental 
gymnastics and engaging in outright mystifications as they explore 
the subtle nuances of what I personally consider to be a totally evil 
and bankrupt paradigm--neoclassical "economics"--and engaging in what 
I personally consider to be "third derivativing off" as they form 
ignorant caricatures of opposition paradigms. But that's just my 
opinion and when I chose to express it I will and of course expect 
replies from those who do not share that opinion. 

I find this particular summary expulsion to be repulsive. Not because 
I am particularly in agreement with all of the content in Shawgi's 
missives but because I have never seen him address counter-responses 
through other than reasoned and measured responses.

Perhaps a mere suggestion to limit posts--for all--to a given number 
per day or per week might be the answer rather than this type of 
summary action.

                              Jim Craven

*  James Craven             * "The envelope is only defined--and   * 
*  Dept of Economics        * expanded--by the test pilot who dares* 
*  Clark College            * to push it."                         *
*  1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. * (H.H. Craven Jr.(a gifted pilot)     *  
*  Vancouver, Wa. 98663     *                                      *  
*  (360) 992-2283           * "For those who have fought for it,   *
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     * freedom has a taste the protected    *
*                           * will never know." (Otto Von Bismark) *   
*                           *                                      *

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