I've written:
> I have to admit that 'I have had it' with the international financial
>  institutions (WB,  IMF, IADBs, etc.)

Bill said:
> so when were you ever enamoured with SAPs?

Never! nooi! nunca! mai! jamais! What I meant was that I screened
almost every relevant piece written by or about them (well, just a 
bit, which I used to count by kilos and not by pages, in any case...), to
 try 'understanding' what the reasons are of their success in the academia, 
while continous failure in the real world. But... I failed. 

The only thing I could 'understand' is that -more at the level of the 
political economy, at a 'global scale'- the interests IFIs are 
serving are so huge that it will not be easy to beat them down in the 
near future. My only 'hopes' are in two tracks: 
a) empowerment at the grass root level;
b) strenghtening of alternative theoretical propositions. And it is 
in this respect that I am still amazed: I cannot (yet) cope with the 
fact that mainstream thinking has been so easily adopted everywhere 
(or almost) just 'for free'...

Anyway, I think discussion lists as this one would help. I am, 
however, getting a bit more worried from yesterday's Wolfensohn's 
speech at the ISS: they are putting lots of energies (and resources!) 
into building an 'universal classroom + database'. This looks like 
anticipanting the apocalyptic view of Paul Davidson on the future of 
economic theory... I hope folks in Pen-L and elsewhere are becoming 
fully aware of this *very possible* scenario.
> Beste Alex
> hoe gaat het u? ik hoop dat je zijn wel. 

am sure you have a Ducht novel somewhere there, this is not possible! 
(btw, it should say: hoe gaat Met u (jou) )

Bill again:
>  how could they ever do the world any  good when the US President
>  gets to appoint the WB President and the US  dominates both
>  institutions?

Hold on!, one thing you may not know is that Wolfensohn, just 
appointed a year and a half ago as president of the WB, has been, and 
still is, a member of the board of the Bilderber Group, which is , as 
you may know, the main designer of the actual world 'order'. The 
board includes the most influential political and economic elites of 
the Northen countries. This is a very serious concern...
 You can check this out in "Nexus Magazine", 
Vol.3, #1, Dec.95-Jan.96 (which is reproduced in a subdirectory of 
http://www.peg.apc.org ). I wonder why Australia does not have any 
'representative' in the board...

Now, have a nice evening, and a nice weekend. We will have to 
'resist' a long time still... 

BTW, do not get enthusiastic about my spelling! It is just a 
'colonized mixed'...




Alex Izurieta
Institute of Social Studies
P.O. Box 29776
2502 LT The Hague
Tel. 31-70-4260480
Fax. 31-70-4260.755

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