Forwarded message:
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 15:05:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Telecommunication Workers Union" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sender: Telecommunications Workers Union <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TWU - Newspaper Ad
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        This ad will appear
        in your local newspaper
        between October 23rd and 30th.
|-----------------------------------------------------  |
|                       Our Apologies                   |
|       If you have had to wait too long to have your   |
|       service call answered                           |
|                                                       |
|       If your telephone wasn't installed or repaired  |
|       when BC Tel said it would be.                   |
|                                                       |
|       BC TEL is cutting over 2,000 jobs in British    |
|Columbia this year.  We are concerned that this loss   |
|of jobs and closure of offices will mean a serious     |
|decline in the quality of your telephone service.      |
|                                                       |
|We still believe in providing top quality service to   |
|our customers.  Please try to be patient with us as we |
|attempt to meet your needs with 2,000 fewer people.    |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
| We are the members of the Telecommunications          |
| Workers Union. We take pride in our work.             |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
Telecommunications Workers Union                Telephone: (604) 437-8601
5261 Lane Street,                               Fax:       (604) 435-7760 
Burnaby, B.C.                                   E-Mail:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Canada  V5H 4A6                       

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