On Sun, 27 Oct 1996, Michael Perelman wrote:

> Did anyone see Krugman's piece in the recent Slate?  According to
> Krugman,
> people like Jaimie Galbraith and Rob't Kuttner are not fit to comment on
> economic matters because they either do not understand (in Kuttner's
> case)
> or they do not choose to use (in Galbraith's case) to use the
> mathematical
> methodology that Krugman espouses.


        Excuse my ignorance but what is the "Slate" ?  I just read an 
excellent Krugman piece in the recent Mother Jones on Inequality and was 
mightily impressed (heartened) that he was on our side at least on this 
issue - so I'm quite curious about your comment.


Ron Baiman

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