Max, Michael, et. al..,

        Thanks for filling me in on Krugman - this was my impression 
before I read his Nov/Dec 1996, Mother Jones article (which I have as my 
Mom got a subscription - I stopped some time ago due to , I believe, 
similar reservations about its California like focus on lifestyle stuff and 
its hassle with 
a new editor - wasn't it Michael Moore? - however this particular issue 
has some excellent pieces, maybe MJ has changed?) 

For what ever its worth 
this article comes all out in favor of 
supporting labor unions too. -with a note on not  idealizing them - which I 
think we'd all agree with.

So at least on these issues he appears definitely on the Left, though 
even in this article (aside from the decline of unions) he downplays 
trade, and techno change, in favor of Union decline, money in politics, and 
changing values, though he points to the pwerful government of the Roosevelt 
period as creating the now declining "middle class".


Dept. of Econ
Roosevelt Univ., Chicago

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