
As someone who was at UMass then too, and as someone who knows Steve
Resnick and Rick Wolff well, as well as the vast amount of work and good
people that they have inspired, I find highly offensive your scurrilous ad
hominem attack.  Indeed, I've about had it with people on pen-l putting out
insulting attacks and signing their emails "in solidarity".  Who do you
think you're kidding?

But Rhon, I know a bit about you too and your situation at UMass.  Do you
really want me to reveal that to pen-l?  Maybe, I'll consult with my
colleague, Gary Dymski, first.  I still remember the first time I met you
at an URPE summer camp in Connecticut, before you came to UMass, when you
stood at a DSA table frothing that Althusser was just a Stalinist scum, the
self-same Althusser whose for most of his career fought against the
orthodox Stalinism in the French communist party.  I wondered then about
your motives and the accuracy of your denunciations.  I wonder still.

I am sorry about this strong personal response, but Resnick and Wolff are
friends of mine, and while I have no problem debating at a fever pitch
their work (and I have, just ask them), the kind of personal attack that
Rhon Baiman made, again "in solidarity" I'd like to point out, is too much.
 This kind of crap has to stop.

Steve Cullenberg

>On Mon, 28 Oct 1996, Blair Sandler wrote:
>> I hate to say it but UMass Amherst is the obvious place to go, with Rick
>> Wolff, Steve Resnick, Sam Bowles, Nancy Folbre (and Ann Ferguson down the
>> hall), Julie Graham in geography, David Kotz, Jim Crotty, Jim Boyce, even
>> (shudder) Herb Gintis.  :)  Whatever anyone thinks of any of these
>> individuals or their work, UMass offers a broad range of different
>> heterodox perspectives on social theory.
>Jen, Blair,
>        As someone who was 
>suspended  from Steve Resnick's class for daring to disagree with him 
>(in a non-disruptive  academic way - Eric Neilson , Gary Dymsky, and others 
>who were in t hat class are my witnesses) , I would not put him on this 
>list.  I found the essentially dogmatic view of Marxism espoused by 
>Resnick and 
>Wolf (in 1981 - I havn't bothered to keep up with their stuff since for 
>obvious reasons) to be profoundly disturbing and distressing.  
>        I know this debate has been had (p-robably many times) on Pen-L, 
>but I thought my experience might be of interest (Jen, if you go to U 
>Mass which does have some excellent people , I would advise that you 
>steer clear - as much as possible of R&W).
>In Solidarity,
>Ron Baiman
>Roosevelt Univ.
>Chicago, IL

Stephen Cullenberg                      office:  (909) 787-5037, ext. 1573
Department of Economics                 fax:     (909) 787-5685
University of California                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Riverside, CA 92521

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