Dear Gerald Levy,

Perhaps what you say has validity as an issue in general. You, however,
were careful not to levy personal charges out of context, as Baimoan and
bohmer have with respect to Resnick and Wolff. If we want to discuss this
general issue at some point, it might be a good thing. BUT NOT NOW. IT
WOULD ONLY DIGNIFY the scurrilous and personal attacks these two
less-than-gentlemen have launched. THEY NEED TO APOLOGIZE.

Antonio Callari

>There are frequently major differences in ideology, perspective, and
>personalities among faculty and students in different economics
>departments. This is also - and sometimes even more - the case at radical
>econ. departments. It is by no means limited to UMass/Amherst.
>I was also burned by a couple of faculty members for no legitimate reason
>while at the New School. I don't want to mention names or explain the
>circumstances because that was oh so many years ago.
>To answer Bill M's question ("So fucking what?" in the "Hmmm" thread):
>I think it is important for students who are considering going to graduate
>a) to not have idealized and romanticized visions of radical faculty;
>b) to recognize, at least, that there can be a gap between a person's
>political-economic theory and his/her conduct -- which *can* be
>unprofessional, dogmatic, petty, etc..
>c) to talk, if possible, to a _variety_ of former and _current_ students
>about individual faculty and the overall situation in a department;
>d) to make a determination based especially on c) whether there are enough
>faculty who are open-minded, professional, and respectful to students to
>justify attending a particular school.

Antonio Callari and/or Elisabeth King-Callari
939 Martha Ave
Lancaster, PA 17601

Phone 717 397-3228
FAX   717 397-1790

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