Construction spending rose a sharp 1.9 percent in September seasonally
adjusted, bolstered by a surge in outlays for public-sector projects, the
Census Bureau reports.  Residential construction outlays fell for the fifth
month in a row ....(Daily Labor Report, pages 2,A-6; Washington Post, page
C2; New York Times, page D9).

The Office of Management and Budget will publish in today's "Federal
Register" the final version of the proposed North American Industry
Classification System, replacing the more than 50-year-old Standard
Industrial Classification system ....The major advantage of the new system,
in addition to  providing an updated series of industry classifications, is
that it marks the first joint effort with the federal governments of Canada
and Mexico.  With all three nations using the same industry codes,
information gathered ... will be comparable, which officials noted with be
a major improvement for researchers and industry analysts ....(Daily Labor
Report, page A-8).

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