Forwarded message:
Date:         Fri, 15 Nov 1996 13:49:22 -0800
Sender: Forum on Labor in the Global Economy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Eric Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Teldor Wires and Cables Ltd.
Subject:      The Labour Movement & the Internet: The Website

This month, Pluto Press in Britain is publishing "The Labour Movement
and the Internet: The New Internationalism," a book which I have
authored.  To accompany the book, I have just now launched the Labor &
the Internet website, which includes the following:

* The Labour Web Site of the Week. Each week, we'll be selecting one
from among the
hundreds (maybe thousands) of Web sites put up by trade unions around
the world. Our
goal is to find good examples of Web design and content.  (Please send
in your suggestions!)

* The Table of Contents of "The Labour Movement and the Internet", as
well as selections from the text. We're not putting the whole book
online (yet) -- but you can get a taste from these generous tidbits.

*  Updates and corrections to the book -- including new labour resources
on the net. The Internet is changing all the time. This site keeps the
printed book always up to date.

* A chance to interact with the author -- you can ask questions and make
comments. We'll even be posting a selection of online questions and

*  Information on additional Pluto Press books about the labour
movement. Pluto Press (in case you don't know) is probably the foremost
publisher in the English language of books for the Left.

*  A convenient -- and secure -- way to order this and other books on
the labour
movement. You can't get more secure than this: we won't even ask you for
credit card

The site is located at the following address:

I look forward to reading your comments and hearing from you.  Thanks.

Eric Lee
Eric Lee
Kibbutz Ein Dor, D.N. Yezreel 19335, Israel

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