Another walk on the wild side. Three epigraphs from Judith Butler's Bodies
that Matter:

"Why should our bodies end at the skin, or include at best other beings
encapsulated by skin?" - Donna Haraway

"If on really thinks about the body as such, there is no possible outline
of the body as such. There are thinking os the systematicity of the body,
there are value codings of the body. The body, as such, cannot be thought,
and I cannot approach it." - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

"There is no nature, only the efects of nature: denaturalization or
naturalization." - Jacques Derrida

This book, which I've only begun to sample, has a blurb from Margaret
Whitford of the University of London that claims that it explores "gender
as iteration"; another, from Elizabeth Grosz of Monash U, says that it
explores "the politically transgressive potential of gender



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
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