Rosser Jr, John Barkley wrote:

>      Louis Proyect is a snitch, a ratfink, a stool
> pigeon, an informer.  Not only that, he is proud of it
> and brags about it.
>      What Louis P. does is that when he is especially
> annoyed with someone, he posts their internet postings
> to their professional superiors.  He did this to Hans
> Ehrbar of the econ dept. at U. of Utah.  He has
> recently been threatening to do it to Chris Burford, a
> London psychiatrist.
>      Now, there was an incident on pen-l where someone
> was discussing labor-management issues at their place
> of work and somehow it got leaked to their superiors
> and they were disciplined.  I don't think that this
> kind of vile behavior will be tolerated by the
> listowner of pen-l, if it shows up here.

Count me as one of Louis's victims.

After the _Social Text_ affair, someone told me that one of the
anonymous referees of the article was the Chair of a Department at one of
the schools where I teach. As Louis had written on this affair and as I
knew he knew the person in question, I sent a *private and confidential*
e-mail message to him.

Louis, who was pissed-off at me for other reasons, chose to reveal the
name of that person and that I had given it to him on that deplorable
debased undead *open* list erroneously called "marxism-international."

I then had a series of brief off-list exchanges with Louis. I told him
that the person in question was part of *management* and I am a *union
member*. He was not impressed. I told him that this person has a major
decision in questions concerning hiring, firing, promotion, reappointment,
etc. and that he had furnished information to management that could be
used to discipline a union member. Louis said that he was proud of what he
had done and if I get fired, that's what I deserve (as I am a "worthless
academic"). I told him that I would *never* furnish information against
union members to management as I believe in *solidarity*. Louis responded
by proudly repeating the information *again* on m-int.

So Barkley, you're right: he *is* a snitch. He is scum. I hope everyone
will recognize him for what he is.


PS: The "good news" (I think) is that the person in question where I
teach is a far more principled Marxist than Louis will ever be and I
don't think that -- despite Louis's valiant efforts -- he will retaliate
against me.

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