Fun facts about oh-so-reactionary neo-classical academics.
Prof. Joel Slemrod, a person so straight he makes Jack 
Webb look like a hippie, has published the results of a very lengthy 
survey (96 questions) of specialists (economists. attorneys,
accountants) in the field of taxation.  Full details are in the 
National Tax Journal, V. XLVIII, No. 1, p. 121. Some interesting 

Question                                     Percent answering 'yes'

Should inheritances be taxed?          81

Should there be a graduated
personal income tax?                        75

Should the top marginal rate
exceed 50%?                                     16

Should real capital gains be
taxed as ordinary income (when
realized)?                                          71

Should there be a net income tax
on corporations?                               58

  (Funny on this question private sector tax people
   answered 77 percent in the affirmative, maybe
   because their jobs depended on doing corporate
   taxes.  Doug Henwood, call your office.)

Should localities impose income
taxes on those who work but do
not live locally?                                          67

Should wealth be taxable?                        62

Is the redistribution of income
a legitimate role for govt?                          79

Should capital income be
exempt from taxation?                                9

Note that respondents were not only economists, but professors
of law and accountancy.

There are similar results from government and private sector
tax professionals, although in general the academics skew 
the results towards liberal answers.

Happy new year, and don't forget those last minute charitable

Max B. Sawicky            Economic Policy Institute
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          1660 L Street, NW
202-775-8810 (voice)      Ste. 1200
202-775-0819 (fax)        Washington, DC  20036

Opinions above do not necessarily reflect the views
of anyone associated with the Economic Policy

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