Hey we struggle with that question constantly here in South Africa.

Probably the best recent citation is the Epstein/Crotty article on capital
controls in the 1996 Socialist Register (editor is Leo Panitch, publishers
Merlin and Monthly Review).

Our Reserve Bank governor hiked interest rates again last month (they're
above 10% in real terms) just so capital would stay in the country and
the 3-months of hard currency reserves wouldn't dry up. And there's
continual pressure from financiers for SA to take on an IMF loan of
several billion so there'll be sufficient reserves so as to fully liberalise
exchange controls (at present local residents can only slip funds out
through major institutional investors, and then only up to 10% and
through asset swaps).

Extremely frustrating situation; even the business editor at the lib-left
newspaper (Mail and Guardian) has endorsed liberalisation (though it
brings no known advantages), and our attempts to remind folk that in July
1995 even the IMF suggested that Mexico should have had controls on
incoming hot money have had no power-audience at all.

It's that crazy down here, amongst the ruling crew.

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